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Cairo Jim

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Posts posted by Cairo Jim

  1. Originally Posted By: Benching many verbs
    An external hard drive is really only helpful if your computer is absolutely full. When it is, you can get slowdowns. If you've got a few gigabytes free, you don't need an external hard drive, although I still think they're handy for storing extra stuff and transferring.

    I've noticed, even on newer computers, that having half to two thirds of your hard drive full can make it really laggy. Older computers more so.
  2. I'm not sure about Wal-mart, we don't have them in Australia. Most places now that sell electrical stuff like TV's, computers and stuff should have them. The good thing about computers and most of the stuff to go with them are getting cheaper. Apart from that I wouldn't know abut how cheap it would be over there in the U.S.

  3. Originally Posted By: Harehunter

    @Cairo Jim,
    While C++ and C# are probably the most applicable language to learn, they are not the easiest language to learn. BASIC is by far the easiest to learn, but it lacks features you would need to learn in order to become a proficient programmer.

    I would recommend PASCAL as a good compromise. It has a simpler syntax like BASIC, but it also has the features of functions and scope of variables that allows you to write recursive code which is sometimes needed to efficiently work with some data structures. It's too bad that it does not get used for any real programming.

    Now thinking about it, maybe learning something like Basic (or equivelant)first would be the go, just to see if I et the hang of it. Hopefully I can find a decent, practical use for it down the track.
  4. Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    Halley's comet comes around about every 75-76 years, so it's possible to see it twice in your lifetime. If you saw it as a youngster in 1986, there's a good chance you can see it again next time around.

    Must of been a different comet. The one I saw was in the late 90's.
  5. Originally Posted By: BMA
    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan

    C/C++ are fine languages, but they are 'low level' languages, the next step up from assembly.

    What, really ? We were taught that binary is low level, assembly is middle level and C/C++ (and all the rest of it) are high level. grin

    I was reading about this the other day. Since there's a lot of new langauges coming it, they're making C/C++ look a bit antiquated
    I haven't got any specific long term goals, mostly because I don't know what learning something like this is capable of. I've been using or been around computers for a long time, but haven't learnt bugger all about them. So I thought I may as well learn something that could be useful.
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