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Posts posted by springacres

  1. That is a definite oversight, and does break immersion. It's strange, too, because on my first run I took the middle ground on Khalida's quest (made the guy pay, but let him live) and yet got the reward for telling Callan. Strange that it would work that way for one quest and not for another.


    Oddly enough, I've never been able to bring my characters to fink on Alcander. None of them like him, but all of them seem willing to go along with him just to have some leverage over him in the event they need it.

  2. obviously, it's dry clean only

    Leather armor, maybe. The metal stuff would be more like oil clean only, and even then it wouldn't last long in the Corruption.


    Hmm, I guess there is a good reason for that bottomless junk bag after all.

  3. Hmm, yeah, didn't think about the lack of usable water in the Corruption. But most of the other areas seem to have either rivers or wells. Even some of the caves have underground streams or pools that could be used in a real pinch.

  4. OT, but I always figured Hands were responsible for their own laundry when they were out in the field, and that the base/fort workers took care of that when at bases or forts.


    ...Then again, it amuses me to think of Alcander actually having to do his own laundry.


    To make this T - I felt kinda bad about not being able to offer blood money for the damage the brigands did. Ava1 suggests that Avadon and the Pact frown on exactly the sort of behavior the Kellem and Holklandan brigands are guilty of.

  5. he could have had family (or relationship which produced child) before he became keeper and then abandoned them (or didn't find it out until later) and generations later no1 knows about those until R's some secret book reveals that and player gets task to find if any are alive and bring 1 to castle, game would be quite long since we would visit on many towns around country finding clues.

    He does mention, when you first talk to him after coming to Avadon in Ava2, that he remembers being able to form attachments with people. So this idea definitely seems like a possibility.


    -springacres, whose stable of characters includes several orphans/characters who know next to nothing about their birth parents. And yes, she has brought two of them into Avadon.

  6. I prefer to think of it as the one I dislike most, but come to think of it, "which one?" is a good question. Such discipline as exists within either party is mostly tied to outside sources of funding, after all, so perhaps it's not truly internal discipline.

  7. Eyes etc get training to defend against physical and psychical attacks so Dymas and Folker can't be compared.




    Also, I think it's more that Dymas was a tinkermage whereas Folker was a scout, and Folker had drunk Corruption water while Dymas was simply possessed. Larissa mentions that Chabon's magical training was helping him resist her mind probes.

  8. Restricting voter eligibility would ultimately just serve as a tool for politically disenfranchising one's opponents.


    Or the people most likely to vote for your opponents... which amounts to the same thing in the end.

    Which is why, in the past, SoT's spoken out in favour of a strict two-party system with strong internal party discipline. That way, you never have more than two policy platforms to decide between, so the kind of three-way gridlock he describes can't happen. Well, that's the theory, anyway -- in practice, the leader of a party can still support an incoherent position as a compromise between internal party factions, and if both parties do that then the people aren't left with anyone sane to vote for.


    This has another problem as well. It risks creating blocs of voters who don't fully support either party platform and who therefore, justifiably or not, feel disenfranchised because their elected representatives aren't listening to them 100% of the time.


    Which, come to think of it, is pretty much what we here in the US have now, except only one party seems to have effective internal discipline...

  9. I didn't even bother luring, just knocked him to the SE wall out of range of his constructs, summoned some turrets for AoE damage/healing and to keep them busy, had my SO give everyone Assault Blessing and had at him. (Party was: left column BM with Icy Lance, Group Heal and Earthshatter scarab, center/right column SO with Heal Self and Icy Lance scarab, center/right column TM with Heal Self scarab, all at level 30. Oh, I also burned through a few ice and corruption wands.)


    Will have to try your strategy at some point too, though.

  10. Avadon 1 was my first Spiderweb game, so I'm rather partial to it myself. It's the beginning of a trilogy and is as good a place as any to start.


    When playing games in a series, I personally think it's best to start with the first game in the series or as close to it as possible, but that's just me. I have yet to see a Spiderweb game that can't be played as a stand-alone game, however, so feel free to pick and choose. If in doubt - just pick a random demo and try it out!

  11. Well I suppose in defense of glass it -has- been used as legitimate melee weapons by certain cultures, more specifically volcanic class/obsidian, but it's still reinforced by other materials in such cases.

    Not just melee, either. I seem to recall that some Native American tribes used obsidian for arrowheads and spear points.

  12. Well, glass is like jade, I suppose... it can cut, it just won't last very long, unless it's magically hardened. Which I suppose is a reasonable assumption in this case.


    Doesn't explain why it would also show up in the Avadon series, though.

  13. I have to say I found the Fleetfoot Boots somewhat useful in earlier stages of the game. The others, not quite so much. By the time I had characters that could use the Shock Troop Shield, they were wielding halberds and had enchanted armor with decent protection bonuses already. As for Veneth's Spear, by the time I obtained it I had found better weapons elsewhere.


    However, I can see a combined AP bonus coming in handy in some scenarios, particularly the endgame fights.

  14. I blame the fluffy turtles.


    I also envy your art skills. Mine are.... limited is putting it nicely. I know what colors work well together and I can make pretty designs with Photoshop and Gimp brushes, that's about it.

  15. Runes and other ancient symbols are cool. The way neo-Nazis and other hate groups use them, however, is not.


    We don't have to forget the way they were used in 1930s Germany, but we do need to remember that there can be multiple meanings behind a symbol and look at the broader context in which it is used.


    And I wouldn't have noticed the resemblance to a swastika at all if it hadn't been mentioned; the design reminded me of a geometric representation of the sun more than anything else.

  16. I spread them out, just so that if one character gets knocked out in a fight, there are others in my party still carrying boosts. Besides, with the runestones that give boosts, you can only apply one per piece of armor/equipment, and one character can only wear so many pieces of armor or equipment. Plus, you probably don't want to give a magic damage boost to a shadowwalker or blademaster, just like a melee damage boost would be useless to a sorcerer or shaman.

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