I'd like if you can select 1 personage for example shift clicking him to proper position them before combat.
I also like to see health of enemies, for example if you press ctrl.
Nice game.
The begining was very easy even at tornment and i start to think that this game will be very boring, but as i progress the battles become more challenging.
I found bug where i buy scarab +1 str, +1 end and endurance seems doesnt affect my character and after beating demon in dragon lair secret passage it drop steel dagger instead buckler.
Download cheatengine from cheatengine.org.
After this choose flicking computer and press avadon.exe, press speed hack, type 0.3, press aply.
It work on mostly online games, maybe it can help.
I dont know why but all spidbeb games running too slow, except direct x mode.
Plz can you tell me how i can run it faster, or how to run it with direct x.
My computer spec are: 4gb ram, e8400, nvidia 9400GT.
Hi all.
I already finished avernum 6 on tornment and starting singleton, i just wonder if it's possible to finish without cheats, i mean increase you nature lore, lockpiking, cos in the end its about 120+ ability point loss.