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Everything posted by *i

  1. Does it work for a different number slot?
  2. I have a couple ideas to try: 1) Try removing one of the special abilities and see if the cursing works. 2) Try taking off the magic attribute. If neither one of these work, definitely e-mail Jeff Vogel.
  3. Tarl has long left the Blades community, never to be seen again.
  4. Could you please post the whole item definition in your script.
  5. Arguably Spy's Quest was a pioneer in this sort of stuff. It was weak on the plot, but did a lot of experimentation along the lines of tough combat. I suspect Doom Moon II borrowed a lot of this. Oh yeah, I still don't recommend playing Spy's Quest.
  6. You don't, as TM said, just go in and make bookshelves impossible to walk through from the west and north via your scendata script.
  7. Well, what you can do is make a loop from i = 6 to the highest number character in the town and set each one to a friendly attitude. Not compact, but simple enough.
  8. I think town_status is broken. You can track it with flags anyway.
  9. Quote: Originally written by flaredragon: i wanted to let you know that i am working on an scenario for windows. Now my patio window can enjoy Blades of Exile too!
  10. I don't think you can. My suggestion is not to use them to begin with, they make playing tedious. If you insist, you could place artificial wandering monsters via your town script.
  11. The town script of Valzier in A Perfect Forest does some door opening. Unfortunately, with two doors in his way, there was no need to make this automatic. What you could do is check every spot around the NPC in the start state and open any doors available. You may want to make the NPC face the appropriate direction as well. This is still a bit messy, however.
  12. Not a lot of towns I know about in the real world grow from the center out. Usually they grow wherever it is convenient. For instance, they may start on a lake or river and then move further away from that. If there is nice flat land in one area, it makes sense to expand there and not a place with hills and rocks and such. The advice I give is to make it sensical. If it's a small village, the buildings should be scattered. Cities should have business centers somewhere and then residential areas elsewhere without looking too "planned". Something like a fort or a castle should probably have a much more planned and sensible layout.
  13. I don't understand the argument that bad scenarios are horribly detremental. Nobody forces anyone to play ANY scenario. If a scenario is bad, don't play it. We already have a few decent scenarios, but hardly any scenarios at all relative to what we should have. If you are so averse to playing poor scenarios, do not play them. Read the reviews on Spiderweb and the Lyceum to make an informed decision about what to and not to play. No harm is done unless the harm is inflicted upon yourself. There can be no net harm with bad scenarios. Here is the deal. I do not have much time for much scenario design anymore. Seriously, any tool to make the process easier would increase the rate at which I can release a scenario. This may sound self-absorbed, but I see that as a net positive to the community. Arenax -- There are people out there who have a different skill set than you. You might find certain things easy, other people do not. Better tools will allow people to overcome their limitations and be able to write things comparatively well. Remember that most people are visual learners. Furthermore, what I find ironic is that you seem to be the expert (in your mind) on making a good scenario when you have never actually made anything like it. Sure, you can program, so can I. You can probably even program better than I can because of my inherent specialization. Nonetheless, you yourself admit that there is a different skill set for writing scenarios. I just don't think you realize what it is. I speak from experience in saying that excellent coding skills is not it. Most of good scenario design is utter tedium. Only in a few places does advanced coding become supremely important. See past yourself and your selfish notions and realize that people will benefit from a more visual and intuitive tool. So what, it masks a few things? That's fine. People still have the option to move away from the tools to a more advanced raw tool and they inherently will if they want their scenarios to be better.
  14. I'd definitely use it if it works. Take your time, there is no hurry.
  15. Believe me, I would love to fix that one. That's a problem with the engine as far as I can tell. It's beyond my ability to fix unless someone specifically points out my error.
  16. Guess we're stuck with what we got then...
  17. Laws or not, discussing illegal activities is a serious violation of the CoC. Being demeaning and insulting to members is as well. +t is banned for conduct that is totally unacceptable.
  18. I have read on their site a while back that they had no plans to make the editor available to Macintosh. Is this still true?
  19. The call has worked for me. Please post the exact syntax of your code.
  20. Sounds like you may have accidentally deleted a section of your Docs. I suggest redownloading it now.
  21. FYI -- I did mine in the standard editor.
  22. Jeff did say that he would consider the suggestion list at a later date. If he says nothing in a month, I say we prod him a little.
  23. The artist. The company is very unlikely to give you rights to their graphics if they own them, they paid for it. If the artist still has rights to the graphics, he/she is much more likely to let you use his/her graphics.
  24. Now that really was unnecessary...
  25. Quote: Reckoning still sucked, and I cannot hold respect for someone who would disgrace BOA so. 20+ good scenarios does not make up for one that disgraces the name. If it had been just a bad scenario, then yes they would. No need to continue, you all have way too large a stick up your a** anyway. Squirrel -- You are are being extremely rude and offensive to the board members. Consider this your final warning.
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