I am really stuck on some parts of falling stars (and cant get to some places). I have some questions:
1. How do I get Diomed to join me? I know its possible. And if the town he's in is destroyed can I find him anywhere else?
2. Where's Krug? I'm guessing he's down the pit near the Ettin, but it kills me when I climb down there.
3. For no.2 I'm guessing I need Minoc Kodax or whatever its called. I can't find it though.
4. Where are the other artifacts? I've found the paleblade and the heartfinder but thats it.
5. Where is the hidden town called 'ambush!'? I've completed all of the missions in the command centre and soon Anthalons going to contact me.
6. in the lowest floor of the tower of Wizardry, how do I get past the barrier that leads to the stairs?
7. In a previous attempt, I was ordered to meet with a captain or champion inthe building next to the tower of Wizardry, the one with all the gates. I can't figure out how I got in there though.
8. I've seen somewhere something about a rakshasa named Pharijin, at least I think thats what he's called, and he helps you destroy the flayers. Is that part of this scenario or another?
9. Is it possible to get into the Talosian Embassy?
10. Is the building in Thebes thats going to "be the greatest construct to grace the world" ever be finished?
Added Qs 9+10.