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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Cool, thanks! I've also noticed there's several functions that are in the scripts that come with the game, but aren't documented in the reference. They may be documented elsewhere in the main document, but, as far as I know they aren't. I'd be great if someone who's more knowledgable than me could add any known undocumented functions to the wiki docs.
  2. It's something that allows you to make online books, reference manuals, etc. that can be viewed and modified by anyone. Just take a look at the link and you'll see what it is pretty quickly.
  3. Okay, I've found a solution to my door problem. Basically, there's no automatic way around it; it would be possible to make an automatic way, but it would be just crazy and not worth the effort. Instead, I fixed what I had. What I do now, is open the door and use relocate_character to immediately push the character through the door. Then, I close the door and use the normal move command to have him walk to the next door. This may look slightly goofy to anyone watching the character, but, it works and it makes the code simpler. Turns out the bug in my code, was relying on move_to_loc_x_y. move_to_loc_x_y will not move a character to an adjacent space, I guess because it's too "near". Thanks to the people who replied; I'm coupling this with my time-code to make NPCs travel to different places on the map based on times, thus doing NPC scheduling sort of like Ultima V. Shop's'll open and close and whatnot. May be kind of CPU heavy, but I plan on having the schedules configurable so you can turn it off while playing the scenario if you don't like it. Unfortunately you can't have people 'stand' on beds to make them go to sleep anymore; beds are obsticals. So I don't really know what to do with 'sleeping' NPCs yet. Suggestions would be welcome.
  4. Hello there; I've got a series of scripts that involve NPCs traveling the map. However, on the way from point A to point B, there's usually a door or two in the path. This is proving to be problematic. Right now, what I'm doing is sort of an artificial waypoint system; I have the NPC going to the first door, checking the door tile, toggling the door if necesary, moving a step forward, closing the door behind him, then journeying onward. This is proving to be both labor intensive, and isn't working so well. He goes up to the door, then stops. Nothing else happens. Plus, the method is striking me as generally klunky and inefficient. What I'm wondering, is can anyone come up with a way for an NPC to go from point A to point B and -automatically- open all the doors along the way? Note! Locks do NOT have to be checked, assume the NPC can open whether or not it's locked. It would be preferable if the NPC closed the door behind him, but not necesary. I've got a couple ideas I may try, I need to write them out on paper first, but I figured I'd pose the question to you guys and see if anyone has some wisdom in the matter already. Thanks a lot!
  5. Well guys; I took the suggestion and Wiki'd the documentation: Blades of Avernum Wiki I put the advanced dialog stuff with the basic dialog stuff to make it a little easier reference, otherwise it's basically the same as the documentation. The key here is the table of contents; makes it a lot easy to quickly look up functions than having to dig through the stack of paper, since each function is clickable on the contents list. I didn't spend a whole lot of time formating things -- it took me a long time to do what's already done -- but it looks okay. I may adjust it some later, but, hopefully this will be useful to more people than just me Thanks for the wiki suggestion!
  6. That cookbook's really cool, but, it's not quite what I was looking for as far as call reference... So, I will probably make my own. It'll just be installing that PHP software to handle the documentation, and a bunch of cutting and pasting. I'll be sure to post my scripts in that place. I'll wait until I have my other time stuff done, though; there's a few components I need to make for that time stuff to be really cool. I have a lot of script ideas that I haven't seen done by anyone else yet, so, hopefully I can contribute some nice stuff.
  7. Hello there; I just got Blades of Avernum, and after playing the scenarios that come with the game, I'm starting in on my own. I just had a question; has anyone put the script call documentation in a friendly online browsable format like PHP has for their language? (go http://www.php.net and click documentation). If not, then I'll probably set up documentation like that and make it publically accessible. It's just a lot easier than rifling through the massive pile of printouts I have now. Anyway, I made a script to keep track of the time of day. This script may be entirely stupid, there may be a way to do this already, but this is what I've come up with. I've basically assumed Avernum has a 20 hour day (5000 ticks in a day, didn't break into 24 evenly). The game starts at dawn, 5 o'clock, and it gets dark at 20 o'clock (dusk is around 19 o'clock). Night is a LOT shorter than day. It preserves the hour from save to save, and takes 5 stuff done flags. Because I was dealing with numbers over 255, I had to break 2 of the variables out into 2 seperate stuff done flags appiece. (in scenario script) Code: variables;short oldtime,newtime,daycount,hour;...beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;// Initialize time counter set_flag(0,2,1); set_flag(0,4,1);...// This state is called every tick wherever the party is in the scenario.// I use it to track time. Avernum appears to have a 20 hour day that// starts at 5 and nightfalls around 20.//// Requires flag 0,0 (time), 0,1 (oldtime msb) and 0,2 (oldtime lsb)// 0,3 (daycount msb), 0,4 (daycount lsb)beginstate START_STATE; oldtime = ( get_flag(0,1) * 250 ) + get_flag(0,2); daycount = ( get_flag(0,3) * 250 ) + get_flag(0,4); newtime = get_current_tick(); daycount = daycount + tick_difference(oldtime,newtime); set_flag(0,1,( newtime / 250 ) ); set_flag(0,2,( newtime % 250 ) ); if ( daycount >= 5000) { daycount = daycount - 5000; } hour = ( daycount / 250 ) + 5; if ( hour > 20 ) { hour = hour - 20; } set_flag(0,0,hour); set_flag(0,3,( daycount / 250 ) ); set_flag(0,4,( daycount % 250 ) ); print_big_str("Current time: ",hour,".");break;
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