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Everything posted by Taeweil

  1. Quote: Originally written by Yamato Ishida: you post twice in a row to doublwe post, not necisarily witihn x amount of seconds. and if 3000 and lower are oldbies, that means im an oldbie. 1152 - i love that number. ITs my screen resolution too, but im getting off topic. Back on topic though, is Windows AV4 still gonna be coming out within a few weeks? /Decrepit?
  2. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Calm yourself... it'll be there for Christmas. Not for us windoze users.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Synergy67: Jeff actually alluded to an Avernum 5 yesterday, for whatever that is worth. EDIT: In an email about modifying features in A4. Care to further comment on the alleged A5? Has there been any more info released on what this new A4 will be about? I remember reading about some 'new threat' or somesuch, but it's been awhile...
  4. Quote: Originally written by Azul: Taewell - Call me Dolphin, Azul is just the current name. Will do, Azul.
  5. Quote: Originally written by kuc: I prefer scrounging for gold, and taking multiple loot trips than having more gold than i know what to do with, personally =/ Kuc, Azul hit the nail on the head here. You dont have much to spend it on for the first two islands, late in the game though you can easily go from 25+k gold to 0 in a few minutes getting the high end spells.
  6. I have a question. Does getting 'shaped' by the Shaper and/or rogue 'rogue' Drakon on Isle of Spears count as Canister use?
  7. Hey guys, I know 'where' the anvil on Dhonal is in the Core, but after two times through the game I cant figure out how the heck to clear the rubble. Anyone want to help me out? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Contra: I always hated the Vahnatai. Well, we can "bombard with energy". It is how we alter their stats. If you want to make an entire new creation then you must take the time to do Shaper research, have a Shaper labaratory and equipment. Research takes time, so much time that it would be utterly pointless to do it in a game, since whatever you want to prevent or help has allready died or succeded before you can bring up an even remotely succesfull creation. Why should it take months or years to make an entire new creation? According to GF1 there are a ton of lost Shaping methods that people find now and again. Why cant a character find a lost laboratory with a ton of notes/canisters that help them perfect 'new' creations? As a matter of fact, that would be pretty cool.
  9. Wow, DV I played a Purist Loyalist Agent also. I played on normal though, all that hardship isnt what I like about the game. I also saved the character right before going back to the mainland and went back through the game getting as many canisters as possible. I actually found that I liked that ending too, finally the shapers get some sense knocked into them.
  10. You know what i'd like to see? Forgive me if it's been mentioned in this topic before... I'd like to see your character with the ability to create some unique creations. Creations that show you are a true prodigy. Creations that when you walk into a town, shaper or otherwise, people start gaping in awe. Or you're the apprentice of a Shaped Shaper, and due to an erratic experiment, you get thrown into a proto-geneforge. Instead of dying, you wake up a half-drayk with your master dead or insane near you. With this transformation, maybe the canisters wont make you insane like they do normal Shapers, or maybe you unlock abilities as you get level up and focus your energies into 'remembering' what secrets your cells hold. I hope my post makes sense..
  11. SPOILERS warning. To the glitch: I have gone completly rebel having planned it the entire game, maybe one shaper type answer at the very first town of South End. I have gotten to the end of the game, to the Geneforge zone itself. When I enter the zone, I talk to Litalia and she acts like I am a loyalist, and in fact, my responses are of a loyalist. (I will kill you for being a traitor, etc) Then I ended the conversation without fighting by clicking the check button. An auto-dialog immediatly poppped up and the same responses happen followed by her attacking me. I can avoid this by simply walking as far away from her as possible, and after I get & complete the mission to kill the head shaper on the islands she is fine and regards me as a fellow rebel, however it is an annoying bug.
  12. Yeah I did, but I am going to redo the golems and try again.
  13. After I took in the crystal shards from the golems to Berra in Fort Emergence and he identified the true enemy I went to the bunker so I could get the weapon made. For some reason, the only options I had to choose from still were just Erika and the Dragons.
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