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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Random question: is 'stupider' a real word? If you refer to most online dictionaries they generally say it is but if you use Webster then it's not and I'm inclined to agree. 'More stupid' or 'most stupid' are a go but 'stupider' and 'stupidest' really grate my cheese and make me wanna shout at whoever said it and shake them to and fro until the word is removed from their memory... O_O No offense or anything like that, I'm really just curious. Is it because it's American English (and/or some other English) or is it an example of the English language degrading/evolving or is it all a figment of my imagination? *falls over*
  2. Just wanted to randomly blurt out that I was also first introduced to SpidWeb games through a demo CD that contained Blades of Exile :3 Think it was a PC Gamer CD that had Croc on it as well I still kept that CD for a couple of years just so I could play Blades because we barely had internet in my country and there was no way to actually buy anything... ah, the good ol' days... (I think I was 11 at the time though... or something...)
  3. When I first played Exile (all 3) back in 2000 I think it was I listened to Switchfoot, Incubus, RHCP, Linkin Park a couple of others (like Switchfoot and Incubus) and some-other-band-I-now-hate-because-they-suck-nuggets-and-they-really-are-lame-but-I-wont-mention-the-name-in-case-people-want-to-burn-me-at-the-stake-but-seriously-they-do-suck-and-other-bands-made-rip-offs-of-their-stuff-one-of-which-involved-a-guy-sitting-on-a-toilet----oh-no!-i-gave-it-away! I was going through depression at the time and those songs (especially from Incubus) and Exile actually helped me get through it all. I know it's not actually Avernum so to speak but it made a huge difference in my life (randomness indeed) and I listen to the same stuff now while playing Avernum and feel all euphoric and good and... stuff. Bet you didn't see that coming! Ahahah! :3 *wanders off into the distance*
  4. Thanks for the advice! As far as system restore goes... I disable it immediately as soon as I (re)install an OS on my PC. I simply do not trust it! My installed files and normal data files vary daily and system restore tends to... err... mangle them irreparably As for WMP 10 reinstalling does not solve the problem. The same goes for FF 3.5. I am now running GF5 in full screen still on Fast Graphics and this seems to work fine which leads me to conclude that running GF5 in Windowed Mode is the problem. Thunderbird resizes and goes a bit wonky still but that might just be due to the fact the resolution changes and it can't handle that *shrugs* no biggy there. So ja, problem solved I guess :3
  5. Before ranting about my problems I want to say hi seeing as this is my first post... :3 Hi! Now for the crux of the issue... I am currently running GF5 on an HP Compaq nx7300 with Windows XP Pro in Windowed Mode (1024x768) with all graphics and sounds at minimum. Running the game itself is no hassle but once it's run and I've exited I've noticed that Firefox 3.5 and WMP 10 get pretty messed up. Firefox 3.5 no longer picks up the correct events and either the menu and toolbars don't react to mouse events or they do but any currently open sites don't. With Windows Media Player 10 a part of any movie played gets totally mangle and a part of the display redraws itself over and over again. The only way to solve these problems once they've happened is to either use some other browser and media player or to restart the laptop - obviously this is not ideal I've updated all the drivers and things but the problem persists. I haven't tried running GF5 in any other modes to see if it is still a problem but I use my current mode for a reason so ja... Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas on how to trace and/or fix this? It is a hassle but it hasn't stopped me from playing GF5!!
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