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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Everything. I scored and judged everything you have ever done, compared it to the average of the human race, and came to the conclusion that 192,500,000 people did it better than you. Sorry.
  2. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Twelve Ways to Yesterday —Alorael, who would settle even for Blademaster now. At least that made him special. What is he now? A postmaster. Bleh. You're actually Your Postliness now, which is pretty cool. Not quite Postaroni, Pizzabella!, but close.
  3. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Wait, that's new. Since when does Nikki hav- Goddammit.
  4. I coulda sworn the Shaped Blade and Guardian Claymore did 10-70 damage in G1. Let me just grab MattP's walkthrough... Originally Posted By: MattP aka Schrödinger Code: Dagger 2-14Bronze Sword 3-21Steel Knife 4-28Iron Sword 5-35Steel Sword 6-36Shaped Blade 10-70Singing Rapier 5-35 +2 Quick A, +2 AnatomyShielding Knife 7-49 +4 ArmBonding Knife 7-49 -2 Str, Dex, Int, +4 EndLiving Knife 7-49 +2 C DexCharmed Falchion 7-49 +5 Luck, +10 Resist AllTek's Spectral Dirk 8-56 +5 Arm, +30 Resist All, +30 StunGuardian Claymore 10-70 +2 Str, +2 Quick A, +2 Anatomy Unless he got his numbers wrong and nobody's noticed until now, it's d7 in G1 at least.
  5. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Niemand This post was, in fact, mostly an excuse to use the word 'extant'. I love that word. I strive to use the word "irregardless" as much as possible around my family, almost exclusively for the purpose of trolling my linguist brother. It works, and they've started using it despite his loudly voiced objections that it's not a read word.
  6. I thought melee dice were 1d7 in the first two games. Are you sure it's 1d8?
  7. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: loyal servile of sasuke uchiha how do you get custum titles? Be important (like a global mod, who have powers to give custom titles) or have been at SW since the beginning. There hasn't been a new mods in a while. I think Toby-Linn was the last new mod. Dikiyoba resigned, but was then reinstated a little later. It's very static.
  8. Dantius

    Alan Turing

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Fun Turing fact you can throw in: he was a marathon runner, and invented the game of round-the-house chess. After you makes a move, you have to run around the house. If you're able to beat the person who made the previous move, you're allowed to make a second move. I'd still have to say that my favorite type of athletic chess variant would be chess boxing- alternating rounds of chess and boxing, where either a KO or a checkmate wins. Sounds fun, pity I don't box.
  9. I believe Bain is the only regular mod, everyone else got upgraded from regular mod to global. EDIT: Schrödinger is a regular mod too at second thought. But other than those two, I'm drawing a blank.
  10. So it's somehow difficult to identify those people with fancy titles, blue names, and added powers as moderators or admins, then?
  11. If you ask me, they should change ranks when new games come out. "Moderators" and "Admins" sound so clinical and boring. Instead of Hand/Heart/Eye being part of the user titles, mods could be Eyes of Avadon, Global Mods could be Hands of Avadon, and Admins could be Hearts of Avadon.
  12. Two standard deviations above the mean, normalized.
  13. Oh hey, while we're on the subject of LotR, I'll just drop this article I found linked to by my favorite blog ever. Discuss
  14. Originally Posted By: Walker White I think it is nice that Jeff is trying something different. Hopefully it does not bankrupt him. Well at least he can't try the Bethesda route- if his games aren't voice acted, he can't waste half his budget on a ridiculously famous voice actor and then just kill him off in the tutorial.
  15. I knew I was being watched, but I presumed it was Aurora, not Mal. Well done, Nioca!
  16. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Deathmatch be not proud. You already made that joke in the last Deathmatch thread. I'm getting such a sense of deja-vu right now.
  17. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Originally Posted By: Goldenking Or perhaps just a death match tournament between the strongest characters of each game. Garzahd wins, hands down. hey speaking of deathmatches I think if Spiderweb actually had a deathmatch, Slarty would eagerly sign up, enter the arena, and then forget about it and wander around the ring lost in thought until his opponent beat him up.
  18. Originally Posted By: Lilith what final fantasy title allows you to select your nationality and have characters react to it I was think more along the lines of "the PC has a predefined character and personality and backstory that defines how they interact with others"
  19. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Originally Posted By: Goldenking Or perhaps just a death match tournament between the strongest characters of each game. Garzahd wins, hands down. No. Danette.
  20. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Goldenking Originally Posted By: Nioca Still, at some point in the future, I'd sorta like to see a title system that combines titles from all three games. Then someone would have to pick favorites for which titles got the highest rank. Chronological order to eliminate favoritism, perhaps? Or perhaps just a death match tournament between the strongest characters of each game. Or perhaps we could have back the ability to pick our own custom titles as we see fit?
  21. Originally Posted By: Masquerade Originally Posted By: *i The faceless main character is a common element in many RPGs. See Crono in Chrono Trigger as a prime example. The reason for this is the character represents you. When i play a game i do not nessicarily want a character that is "me" but rather i want to become my character. Being able to select a nationality during character creation and then having people react to it would add layers to my character and make the experience more immersive on top of adding replay value, this is a feature that i would like to see in av2. I do like the game but i just cant fit into my character if my character cant fit into the game. Then play a JRPG instead of a Western one. Almost all Final Fantasy titles do this, for instance.
  22. Originally Posted By: capeta where the second crystal access? I caught only one when I killed Bennhold. It's in Kayar's spire at the end of the various faction's quests to stop/help Taygen. NW of the tower, IIRC. You can't get it without Taygen getting mad at you.
  23. Dantius

    Custom Titles

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I saw my new title today. At first I was overjoyed. Then I realized it read "Eye of Avadon", and not "Eye of Argon". :-( It's the eye of A-va-don, it's the thrill of the fight, ri-sing-up to the challenge of our riiii-vals Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith Look at Alpha Protocol: for all its flaws, it has one of the best dialogue systems in any game ever made, and without a single dialogue skill being involved. The player is given the choice of how to approach each conversation, which will affect future interactions with NPCs, and instead of there being one clear "best path" in any situation, there are different benefits and drawbacks to different courses of action. I have not met anyone who played Alpha Protocol and didn't just pick "Suave" every time, because that's what James Bond would do.
  25. I've always presumed that leadership and diplomacy skills were a mechanic introduced in D&D to allow uncharismatic or unintelligent people to play a smart and articulate character nonetheless, since smart and articulate people tend to have characters as smart despite perhaps having lower stats- for instance, if I was playing someone with 7 Charisma and 6 Intelligence/Wisdom and no points in any speechcraft skills, I'd still probably play him saying things that he reasonably wouldn't say- so a Diplomacy roll after my character delivers an impassioned five-minute impromptu oration to the king my character couldn't possibly actually have done is a way of stopping the system abuses that would result from having someone like that in the party. Of course, that becomes a moot point when you start playing CRPG's, as your CPU is not going to be moved by an impassioned speech like a DM could. What I'm saying is that Leadership skills aren't really necessary once humans are removed from the decision making side of the equation. If that makes any sense.
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