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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. One of the great things about owning your own house is that whenever you want it to be quiet, you can make it so. Whenever I have serious work to do, I just sit down at my computer and do it- no distractions are outside my control.
  2. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Guys, keep in mind you can get more points for the explanations than the correct pairings. True, but I'm thinking a little more tactically than "what can I do to maximize my points", and I'm sure at least two others in particular are, too.
  3. 299. Bidirectional Reflection Whale is Preaching to the tiny about New York transflections 300. Vngrs Ssmbl Ll T F Rdr is Continuity breaks like a mirror 301. The Secret of Eureka is Lacking in Tact, in reference to the apocryphal story of Archimedes running naked through the streets after discovering a way to measure density, a move lacking in tact among other things.
  4. Alright, I'm really proud I got this one! 303. The Legend of Imelda is SHE DIVIDED IT INTO 8 UNITS TO HIDE IT FROM "CORAZON". Imelda Marcos was the wife of the dictator of the Phillipines who was renown for her taste in shoes, owning something to the order of 20,000 pairs. Her husband was eventually deposed and they were run out of the country. Corazon Aquino was one of the leaders of this deposition, which I actually remember strangely enough, annd she was a female. It's also a play on the game The Legend of Zelda, in which the Triforce is often divided up into parts and hidden for Link to find. So the title is implying that Imelda Marcos hid her shoe collection from Corazon to prevent her from finding it! Wow, talk about complex.
  5. HOUSE of S could be Compiler of slarternate continuities, because that's the PDN you've been using when you compiled all seven lists of PDN's, possibly after the House of Wisdom, which was a historical library in either Baghdad or Damascus that compiled historical records of prior civilizations before the Mongols destroyed it.
  6. 309. EVERYTHING IS RUINED FOREVER could be paired with non sequitur, since it's a commonly expressed statement around the internet that often has little to no bearing on the prior conversation. Hence, a non sequitur. Though if I wanted to be a pedantius, I could point out that non sequitur could be paired with just about any of the capital names on the list, since they're already pretty bizarre.
  7. OH, it was Emperor Sigsimund who said the rex romanum quote, so Sigismund code switch is what's paired with 305. Rex Romanum Cryptogrammaticon, for both the "rex romanum" bit, and also because primitive cryptography also usually involves switching letters around by a code or cipher.
  8. 327. MON OH KATH RA RA AH AH AH could be want your explosion, since in just about every prior round, you've included clues from the syllabic magic languange, so I'd be willing to bet MON OH KATH RA is a spell for an explosion, and then you've just appended it with the lyrics for Gaga's Bad Romance.
  9. Is 329. SLARTOphrenia My thoughts be bloody, since schizophrenia is a mental disorder, so SLARTO-phrenia must also have something to do with the mind?
  10. Oh, then is 321. SPACE RACISM (XE'S NO PARAPHOBE) paired with Stoned new-age buzzwords that plummet like frozen balloons, becuase they have effectively zero popular recognition or cultural/linguistic penetration?
  11. 321. SPACE RACISM (XE'S NO PARAPHOBE) might be Fate of His and Heretics- a set of genderless pronouns based on "xe" or "xir" could theoretically replace his and hers as pronouns in the far future, and usage of his and her might then be construed as racist?
  12. 305. Rex Romanum Cryptogrammaticon might be Bonus points if you have any clue where this one came from- it's in reference to a byzantine king who got his Latin grammar corrected by a bishop and he replied with the Latin put-down "I am the Emperor of Rome and above grammar"- ego sum rex romanun st super gramattican. Okay, that's probably not the correct pairing, but it's a badass quote anyways.
  13. I prefer the tales of the dark elf prince Drizz'l. It roughly translates as "The Relentless Scourge"!
  14. You didn't like the Great Gatsby, Slarty? What madness is this?!???! Surely there has never been a greater novel written about rich people's capacity to be assholes to other, slightly richer arrivistes! But since everybody else seems to be posting their lists, I might as well post mine. I can't break it up by grade or year, though, so the list spans from middle school to college, and I'm also probably forgetting stuff. Liked: Julius Caesar, The Great Gatsby, Heart of Darkness, To Kill A Mockingbird, Macbeth (PROTIP: the Verdi opera is better), Twelfth Night, the Oddesey, and a few pieces of older poetry, most notably Ozymandias and the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, though that's probably closer to a mini-epic or some odd classification. Ambivalent: Black Boy, A Rasin in the Sun, most poetry, Old Man and the Sea, Lord of the Flies. Disliked: Diary of Anne Frank, Huckleberry Finn, The Metamorphisis (sp?), Of Mice And Men, Romeo and Juliet. KILLBURNDESTROY: That one book Zora Neale Hurston wrote whose title I can't remember, anything Transcendentalist, Catcher in the Rye. Seriously. Those were terrible books. EDIT: Although I didn't actually read it for school, I did write an essay on the Tale of the Grand Inquisitor from The Brothers Karamazoff, which bears mentioning because it's arguably the best short story ever written in the history of mankind.
  15. My expert advice is to either go with pairing number 5 and read both, which you won't regret, or number 12 and read Atonement and watch the David Lean adaptation of Passage to India, which is quite possibly one of the greatest movies ever.
  16. Originally Posted By: Randomizer You need to use a stick and Alorael's in his avatar is very persuasive. I had to reread that sentence like five times before I understood you were referring to his sniper rifle and didn't just toss in the "in his" accidentally.
  17. Yeah, it's great to have more interest in the BoA forum. It kinda sorely needs it .
  18. So that's (Zombies)*(Zombies-1)*(Zombies-2)*...*(2)*(1)? Or just Gamma[Zombies+1]?
  19. No need to sound so excited about it, Slarty.
  20. Only mods can enable HTML in posts. In many cases, UBBcode can imitate HTML, and anybody can use that. There's a listing of all the UBB tags in the FAQ on the top right.
  21. Re removing the control tool: Click to reveal.. I believe if you get the control tool removed you flee before Rawal is defeated in the ending, but don't quote me on that.
  22. I don't understand what's the problem with him just retconning in a new city. It's not like this isn't a totally new game; there's no reason he has to remain behold to a game released nearly two decades ago just because some people here will find it upsetting if he doesn't. Frankly, I'd be more interested in playing a game that's a much wider departure from the game it's updating than just another E1 clone. Those do get boring after a while.
  23. It's also a form of Skinnerian conditioning- you give a lot of little rewards fast to create the expectation of rewards, then begin slacking them off/increasing the time period/making it harder to earn them. People will then work harder in order to get them, and play the game longer. It's really used more by MMORPG's, since the amount of time you play is directly correlated with the amount of money they make, but you see it in a lot of games where that isn't the case, too.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Oldest Stomping Grounds If human imagination were infinite it would be able to imagine the boundaries of human ingenuity and creativity. —Alorael, who has to give this one to Einstein. Sorry. and to wittgenstein, in this case Does that mean I can link this comic now that we're talking about Wittgenstein?
  25. Originally Posted By: Jewels in Black Originally Posted By: Dantius Phlegm is one of the four bodily "humors" along with blood, black bile, yellow bile, and, well, phlegm. In classical medicine illnesses were caused by an imbalance in there, which would need to be corrected to cure the patient- like via leeching! I can't believe I didn't get that one before. I can't believe that's something you'd already know. Seriously, what class do they teach that in 'cause I've never heard of it before. I actually learned that in a European History class in college. It's just one of those bizarre facts that sticks with you.
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