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Everything posted by Chessrook44

  1. Well the silliness levels have gone off the charts here... https://youtu.be/xaWo4tSB_eo
  2. We are of the highest class of a mighty empire, beyond any corruption by lower forces. Forces that we must subjugate. https://youtu.be/qx5onYKbJi8
  3. Anger can be a powerful motivator, it seems. https://youtu.be/fhnhFOM2iDY
  4. We've reached the camp of the bandits. Now surely we can clear it out. https://youtu.be/NnqkuspZdpQ
  5. A new scenario is begun, and a town is having a bit of a bandit problem. We're experienced adventurers, we can deal with it. https://youtu.be/gaFxgly9SRM EDIT: Witch Hunt, Part 1
  6. Time at last to deal with this ghost issue once and for all. https://youtu.be/vPrCaTl7jMQ
  7. Upwards we climb, through a surprisingly tall cathedral, towards the top. https://youtu.be/a8qAxDX2Y7Q
  8. Down into the catacombs we go, to deal with the spirits. It's just replacing a crystal, it should be easy... right? https://youtu.be/jaRgSqbnZLc
  9. The Cathedral of Winds is quite a beautiful location. They really went all out on this place. https://youtu.be/Y9mi_SUoSPg
  10. It's nice to be able to be called to help with something, instead of just stumbling into someone in danger. https://youtu.be/Lx-G0uu5540
  11. Darkness hides many evils... and sometimes is its own evil. https://youtu.be/b0q3MvBmFwI
  12. The darkness can hide many things, including itself. https://youtu.be/Nxd9JXCLvac
  13. Well I'll say this much, the Order of Flame is NOT holding back on the "flame" part... https://youtu.be/SnmjXCyufuc
  14. As it always goes, sometimes people take our help, sometimes people don't. https://youtu.be/hfgdbE4eo90
  15. We move on to exploring the entire valley, where we find many clues to just how influential the druids are to life here. https://youtu.be/ZO3f1w3rTEs
  16. A new scenario, and this time we may actually meet Ephesos! How fascinating... https://youtu.be/cSrKRS_5loc EDIT: The Druids of Krell, Part 1
  17. Well you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed... https://youtu.be/9hwZ9MCCRDE
  18. A new scenario, and we find a mage's tower where things are going horribly wrong. So you know, business as usual. https://youtu.be/SwDwceEUWBw EDIT: Warp, Part 1
  19. The one behind this plot lies just beyond... it's time to deal with him. https://youtu.be/7Imy-JkaaeU
  20. These rebels have caused massive amounts of distress, pain, and problems. We need to deal with them... https://youtu.be/KpLWmSdKg-M
  21. We've done what we can to help those affected by the destruction. Now it's time to find out who did it. https://youtu.be/182yDA-YtKs
  22. Oh dear... well... this is a disaster... hopefully we can help at least a little bit. https://youtu.be/hG1imzaA-ac
  23. We make our way to Fort Galima, to complete our delivery task. Well that was a simple... what was that? https://youtu.be/k9bKKs6oJUM
  24. A new scenario is begun, out in a quiet little region, with a simple delivery as our task. https://youtu.be/ZUSECkFrzRo EDIT: Embers of Rebellion, Part 1
  25. The leader of this group of Loyalists is large and powerful... but I think we can take him. https://youtu.be/PQ746OMclgQ
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