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Spddin Ignis

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Everything posted by Spddin Ignis

  1. Im pretty sure that ornks die also. It was mentioned in the game how that would destroy towns.
  2. no, so they can totally destroy towns. They destroy Kaz in a matter of hours. They dont target crops, only people.
  3. No it doesnt...only moving creations with the exclusion of drakons and unbound...creations such as living tools and plants that were created by the shapers would live.
  4. No...there are several and they reproduce quickly.
  5. The purity agent kills ALL creations that are animal like...including ornks.
  6. It was never specified, all we know for sure is that there are 2 shaper continants. Theres a whole thread on the topic, just use the search feature.
  7. The council gives the order. NO more shaping...it sticks because breeding creations is easier then shaping them
  8. Thats like saying hawaii isnt apart of the USA. And it is possible that there are 2 different councils, one per each different continant
  9. Read the ending...shaping is completly eradicted in the trak ending
  10. In the 3rd geneforge it says that terrestia is the smaller of 2 shaper continants....the ashen isles count as part of terrestia.
  11. To stop shaping litalia has to cooperate with the council...angering them after all she has done will only get her killed
  12. You to get some pretty good weapons and such but you havfe to make some yourself by finding recipes and such. I ussualy dont take on the shadow road until after i find astoria's assasin
  13. Originally Posted By: Will-o'-the-Mob Shaping isn't nukes. It's much more akin to guns, and in the USA we do gleefully allow everyone to be armed. It doesn't work well according to many, but it also hasn't resulted in mass deaths or mass rebellion. Personally i think that non-Shaper Magic is akin to guns. This magic, though still controlled, is more common throughout terrestia. Throughout the game you see several citizens with magical power that they could use to defend themselves with. Shaper magic gives someone the ability to make a devistating virus that can destroy an entire continent. So i would consider it closer to a nuke then a gun.
  14. Still, Being ruthless didnt save ghaldrin any...he still ended up dead. He was betrayed by his own if you will. And you say that regulations dont have to result in anarchy/monarhy....lets say the creations and humans can decide who can shape as a society, some people will still be cast out due to these regulations. These people will inevetably rebel and cause another war. You say that everyone should be able to shape...why dont we give nukes to everyone who asks for them? That would include some countries that we're currently at war with...hey, lets give them this power and trust them not to destroy the world with it... Doing that would result in nothing but the extinction of man kind...shaping is the same way
  15. Either way, i would rather stop the drakons by killing all creations than having the drakons send out more unbound.
  16. A new cration...able to store your goods as you travel.
  17. essence infusion is the only spell in the game that you have to gain by canisters. And i beleive 6 is the max before it effects you in anyway.
  18. I just use regeneration aura create as many unstable creations as i can and send them rampaging. I do sometimes keep a rothizdon or Trall around, but it really depends on the situation.
  19. If alwan adopted ghaldrins methods he would be more like astoria, wouldnt he...a traitor. The rebels desztabalize shaper rule by kiling more innocent people then necesarry. And you think that everyone should be allowed to practice shaping freely. That would make more uncontrolled roguesm, more desiease and more madmen. If we're talking about the freedom of creations that different, but giving something as powerful as shaping to everybody? its suicide, it will destroy the continant from the inside out. And look at the rebel ending. wehat happened to ghaldrin? And how is ghaldrins unbound different from the purity agent? Atleast the purity agent is a one time thing to "destabalize" rebel rule. The unbound go rampaging into shaper lands killing more innocent outsiders then shapers will ever. Taygen is only killing creations. If you had a choice to kill a human or a cat which one would you choose?
  20. I just went through the power core. My creations survivied with a good regen aura and a bit of extra healing. Jst stay near the edge. You said the power room is closed? That makes me wonder did you fight that drakon?
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