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Posts posted by Triumph

  1. I too was tempted to put points in Diplomacy or Intimidate, but decided to hold off for the moment.


    Click to reveal..
    Lanrezac, the historian (Level 4)


    Occupation: Historian and Mage

    Alignment: A Bit Eccentric

    Race: Lacewing

    Deity: Sliros


    Current HP 17/19 (+3)

    Current Stamina 6/10


    Strength: 3

    Dexterity: 3

    Intelligence: 5


    Magic (Abjuration): 6 

    Martial (Staves): 4

    History: 4

    Perception: 1

    Thievery: 1



    Balbus' Rubber Cloak - Shields the caster from water and mud.

    No roll required

    Mirror Gauntlet - Try to deflect an enemy's spell.

    Quartz Aegis - Create a personal shield against magic and physical attacks.

    Locking Spell - Create an invisible and impermeable barrier around the target.

    Mystic Trumpet - Raises an alarm if unauthorized creatures enter a warded area.



    Changes are regular HP growth (+3), and +1 to Dexterity, which finishes fleshing out my general concept of the character and leaves him ready to cultivate skills as he adventures. Only addition to his inventory is the as-yet-unidentified amulet swiped from Hallith.

  2. Originally Posted By: Antarctica
    Need help, I'm stuck inside the Madness Mire. When I head south to the Infested Pathway and try to open the door, the bottom dialogue says something about me not having a key to open it, and it's too complicated to pick lock. How do I get out?

    So let me get this straight; you're in the Madness Mire zone, and when you exit that zone...you can only go to the Infested Pathway? I was pretty sure that just getting through Infested Pathway cleared it. It should be green on your map, meaning you could just go to another zone. You shouldn't need to ever to go back to Infested Pathway.

    But you say you're ending up at the north end of the Infested Path and cannot get through the door? That sounds weird, but I have no idea what problem would be. If you could get through the door going north into Madness Mire, nothing changes that should stop you from going back. Maybe there's a technical, programmy problem?
  3. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
    Well your meticulous art has caused more discord than any stupid piece of spam I could ever create, so well done.

    Then EriSlarty, god of strife, posted a golden apple of discord in the midst of the forum, saying "to the fairest."
  4. It is in the room where you fight him. After you get the message about needing to find something, you've got to click on the various jars/containers around the room. One of them has his life-force widget in it; you'll get a message about destroying it when you find it.

  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES
    Another good question. It may be clear to some people already. The rest of you will just have to wait and find out. Some constructive fallout will occur over the next few days.

    Hmm...perhaps we should engage in preemptive marxist deconstruction, then?
  6. I don't think there is a zone called "Purification Labs." Do you mean the Purification Plant, on Dhonal, or maybe the Crumbling Lab on Gull, or the Benerii-Eo Lab on Spears?


    I'll assume you mean the Purification Plant.


    If you enter from the north, and head south, you should a cabinet with key; I don't remember where you need it, but you definitely need it to get through the zone. Then you need to leave and go around to the south entrance and talk to the servant mind -- he unlocks something or other than will also help. Leave and heal and prepare for a tough trek. When you return, enter combat immediately, and stay there for a long time. You'll periodically take damage, but being in combat slows it down.


    The entrance to the Inner Plant is roughly at the center of the west edge of the zone. Make your way there and enter the Inner Plant. In the Inner Plant, follow one of the outer corridors around the edge, avoid the dangerous center area. On the west side, you'll have to find and deactivate several crystal pylon thingies. This will purge the deadly atmosphere and make it much easier to explore. A bunch of extra security golems live in a room in the northwest. You can use mechanics/living tools to shut them down.


    Hope this helps.

  7. Yeah. I'm thinking this must relate to some obscure and arcane bit of Spiderweb board lore... I think I've heard the terms "Polaris" and "Desperance" somewhere on here, sometime, but I have no idea they signify. Whatever. :-)

  8. Normal Vlish are fine, and they are cheaper in essence, and can be obtained sooner (I think there is a canister of Create Vlish in the Twinmind Tunnels, so the soonest you could get Terror Vlish is by training for two levels with Diwaniya and then getting that canister). Plain Vlish may actually be better overall, though.

  9. Vlish in G3 are quite powerful. Make a posse of them on Harmony Isle after learning from Diwaniya, they'll get you through the rest of the game. Just remember that sometimes you have to have them close to engage in melee combat, against some enemies resistant to their regular attacks. A hoard of Vlish is all you'll need, though (well, some blessing magic really helps).

  10. I cannot do Sundays.


    Incidentally, I think I vaguely remember a calendar being posted at some point...since I wasn't a player then, I naturally didn't post at it. Is that still around, and valid, such that I ought to post to it?


    Edit: Never mind. I remembered these boards have a search feature (aha!), and used that to track down the most recent calendar link. For whatever good that will do.


    Edit again: To simplify things: next week I could play Thursday or Saturday. This week I could play Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.

  11. That'll probably be fine with me. Is there any chance we could start a little earlier than usual (say 4 pm central time), since we're doing it on Saturday? Sessions usually start around six eastern time (where I live) and end at or after midnight eastern time...I have church Sunday morning and would prefer to get to bed a little sooner than that Saturday night.



    Edit: and the Far Expedition is an intriguing and amusing tale. Spiffy.

  12. Well deserved for Amadan. Those two natural 20s after invoking Liea rocked.


    Oh, I was hoping Esstra would get honored for dropping the giant nest on the dire eagle. That was the second coolest thing to happen in Blood Marsh (after Amadan's divine intervention). smirk


    The perks for Kundak, Boregloaf, and Kurex amuse me. smile All three are clever and appropriate.

  13. Originally Posted By: Rowen
    Eph, no worries about this weekend. You have done so much running two parties at once that you deserve a break. You also deserve a lot of "thank you"s and "you are awesome"s because you are a great gm.

    I think I am speaking for both parties when I say these have been some very fun Friday nights due to you. Thanks for everything. smile

  14. Originally Posted By: Nioca
    Ladies and gentlemen, it is a monumental occasion. 13 characters have come and gone, but now, one brave soul has ventured where no character has gone before.

    Someone has FINALLY taken Abjuration. Go Triumph!

    * bows * Thank you, thank you, my loyal audience...
  15. Originally Posted By: Other
    I don't really see why everyone gets so exited over watching some people in helmets run into each other and throw a ball around a field for a few hours.

    That's not it, it all about the commercials!!! wink

    Most of which were stupid anyway...
  16. When I was younger, I was put on a medication for OCD; it caused me to suffer from depression for the years on it (something I didn't realize until I went off the medication after several years; even later after that, I learned that med. was no longer prescribed to juveniles because it could cause suicidal tendencies - thankfully not something I had, though).


    I also had another prescription, for allergies, that caused me insomnia for a month. No doctors were able to figure this out, but eventually I figured it out on my own.


    Though it's not traditional medication, I've also received allergy shots for years and years, and they have been a huge blessing, making my life much easier (and just making breathing much easier!).


    These experiences, both quite negative and positive, give me a strong mistrust of prescription medications. They are very serious, and potentially dangerous. That DOES NOT mean you take them. Sometimes they can do great good (in my case, allergy shots are a wonderful boon and I've never had any bad reactions!). Not quite sure how to answer your poll. I've had prescription drugs that affected me quite adversely, but also the good experience of allergy shots. Basically, I think medication should be approached with distrust, extreme caution, and careful investigation, and you should never be afraid to drop it if you suspect there's a problem.

  17. Originally Posted By: Niemand
    Atoms are tiny, brutal societies. The leptons are oppressed by the hadrons and forced to live in the far reaches of the atom, but not allowed to leave. Occasionally one is mercilessly devoured in electron capture. Within the nucleus the hadrons struggle for dominance; sometimes cliques (alpha particles) are forced out entirely. Gamma rays are emitted by the violence of their confrontations.

    This wins. laugh
  18. Originally Posted By: Ephesos

    Originally Posted By: Lerasti, historian
    When conflict finally ceased, and Chamulsep was slain, one major question was raised. What to do with the fallen soldiers? After long negotiations, the Allied mages wrought stone crypts across the marsh, and the fallen of both sides were interred there. Modern scholars view this quick and elegant solution as nothing short of a political miracle.

    :-) Nice way of answering my question about where all the stone for the crypts came from in the middle of big swamp.
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