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Posts posted by Øther

  1. I also read 8-bit theater. Along with that, I read Looking for Group, Cntrl Alt Del, How I killed your Master, and The least I could do.


    A note on the epilogue for 8-bit theater: It didn't really satisfy me. Even though I really like how it was done, it really didn't rap up the story for me.

  2. A priest casting heal is always more effective than using a potion. (Once your priest is actually competant) Having your priest charmed/terrified is always a bad thing, and it seems like only the enemies that can actually pose a threat to your party use charm/terror. It is always helpful to give your characters a few points in priest, especially the mages since they tend to have more spellcraft.

  3. The two enemies that I remember off the top of my head that could one shot at least one character were the lich living in Erika's tower (or the fight right after that. I can't really remember) and the dragon. The lich could, if enough power is built up, one shot a character. The dragon can immediately kill your entire party in one attack. This is why I had to pull out my invulnerable pots and elixirs out and use them. When the dragon does his super attack, it's funny seeing that you block around 2000 damage.

  4. If you are a beginner to this, I would stay with a pack of four and finish the entire game before you really start messing around with party creation. In this game, melee characters don't deal too much damage, so mostly the would be used as meatshields for your casters. A slith is good to have as your shield, as they have higher health (or they should) and higher resistances. Possible give a few points in priest or something, to make him slightly more useful. Then the others should be any combination of priests, mages, mage-priests, and priest-mages. Its really your choice on what to do. But I would recommend not using thrown weapons. They aren't all that great. You can if you want, but thats my opinion on them. Archery isn't to good either, but at least now you don't run out of ammo. I wouldn't have any characters put many points into archery/thrown weapons, but a few if they are going to use them (and I always put a bow on all my characters) just so they can use them and let them focus on something else.


    Also, make all your people sliths or nephils (if they aren't going to be up front melee fighters, it may be a better idea to go with nephil because of the bow bonus) because they will get free battle disciplines. While not necessary, they are helpful to any kind of character.

  5. Pots/crystals

    Curing pot- I never really use this, since to me it is better to just use the spell to do it for you. However, curing potions are wonderful in that they are the only thing in the entire game that can cure the lightning aura effect, which is only rarely bestowed but very annoying. It can also cure fatigue, so one can have an extremely long turn to hit enemies. (But one may consider this kinda cheating, and also melee fighters aren't to good in A5). I would keep a few, but sell the rest.


    Healing pots-When I first played A5, I did it with a fairly weak party. And I almost never used a healing potion. One tends to use them most often on the lower levels. Keep a few (Definitely the elixers), but sell the rest.


    Energy pots- Always good to keep around, especially the elixers. You never know when you will use a little too much spell energy and can't go back to town. If you want to sell some, don't sell many.


    Augumenting pots-They increase your health. I never really used them much. If you might want to use them, keep them. If not, sell a few of them. There also is a spell which does the exact same thing as this pot.


    Invulnerability Pots-You are right, they are very useful. And because of this, one tends not to use them unless it is for an extremely difficult battle that you absolutley need it for. Unfortunatley, there are very few of those. In A6 there were 2. Definitely keep a nice few in reserve, since their effects wear off quickly, but feel free to sell a few.


    Assault crystals- good for the quick buff in a battle. In tough battles, I usually bring one of these out, and it helps quite a bit. But again, if it is unused, sell some of them.


    Peircing crystals-You want to hoard as many as you can until you learn the spell. If you have the choice of lowering a barrier, save, use a crystal, and then see if the reward is good enough. After you learn the spell, however, they are useless, and you should sell them.


    Wisdom pots and crystals- The moment you get one use it. In my first runthrough, I kept a stash of them since I was never really sure if I should use them or not,, and by endgame, I had barely used any.



    Haste scroll-Keep them, they are useful.


    Group heal scroll-Again, useful. Always good to have a few in reserve.


    Raise dead-Very good to keep a few, since you never know when you will die. But you always end up with more than you need. And, you can learn the spell late in the game. Keep a few in reserve, but also sell some.



    Dispel dead-Useful for some fights, I guess, but I have never really used wands that much.


    Daze-Daze is an extremely useful spell. Keep these, but also use them.


    Terror- I never really used terror, spells or wands. Daze just seems better to me. But if you use it, then keep it.

  6. About the spell thing, it is helpful to have levels in most spells, but there are always going to be spells you don't really tend to use. If there is a spell that you really like and use very often, then it would be alright to buy more levels.

    Click to reveal..

    but if its a spell you don't really think you will use, it might not even be worth it to buy a single level of it, since you will probably discover some book teaching it somewhere.

  7. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires
    Originally Posted By: dbouya

    how what? abused skribbane-exploit? if so then buying cheap skribbane from Fort Haledon and selling it at Dharmon for money and experience and maxing party/character-levels that way. latest version allows that again I think.
  8. One of the bad things about having that version is that the AoE magical efficiency bug isn't fixed. Being that I never really was trying to exploit the skribbane thing very much, I find having magical efficiency work on AoE spells is infinitely more useful.

  9. One of the very bad things about patenting life is that the food industry is using it to get much more money, and they are basically gaining control over nearly all of America's farmers. If the farmers try to do anything with the altered food product that the company doesn't like, the farmers will be sued.

  10. Originally Posted By: Lord Safey
    According to CIA World Fact book the European union uses about 2,906,000,000,000 kwh of electricity. So divide that number by the number of people in the European union (492,387,344) and you find that the average power consumption of a citizen of the European union is about 5901.8576kwh. Note this number isn't the amount of power that they using their homes this is the energy cost of one person on the European unions infrastructure.

    By multiplying the number of people by 5901.8576 kwh you find out how much energy you need to raise the welfare of everyone on the planet to that of the European unions. That number is 44,263,932,177,753.13 kwh. Now the solar panel I looked up can provide 1kwh of electricity per 1m^2(in sunny weather in your lower latitudes). Due too nights its only going to average 0.5kwh. So to find how many m^2 your going to need you divide 44,263,832,177,753.13kwh by .5kwh and you find you need 88,527,864,355,506.26 m^2 of solar panels. To convert that number into km^2 you divide it by a million and you get 88,527,864.35550626 km^2 is how much area you would need to provide that much power, compare to 148,939,063.133 km^2 (the land area of the earth according to the cia world factbook).
    There are several things here that don't seem right by just glancing over this.

    1)Not everyone in the world is from Europe and uses the same amount of power europeans do. Using this for your equation is just not right. People use different amounts of energy in different parts of the world. I would expect (though I may be wrong) that third-world countries use less power than first-world countries, who, I think, would use considerably more.

    2)That solar panel you looked up may not be the only solar panel in existance. Also, did the website say that the panel can get that 1 kw in 24 hours of sunlight? Or one day? They may have already tried to factor in the amount of energy that it would get in a day.
  11. Originally Posted By: Sarachim

    No, Dinti had it right. It's the ending of Falling Stars.
    I am certain that this is Indiana Jones. Its been an extremely long time since I have seen the movie, but when I saw it I immediately though of Indiana Jones. I clearly remember (somehow) that weird guy with glasses who was the movie's antagonist (or main one. whatever.), and I even remember that he burned his hand on this golden amulet thing and used his burn as a map.


    You said that you obey copyright laws. If you videotape a show on TV and don't watch all the commercials, or you watch the show more than once, you've violated copyright law, according to the broadcasting industry. The only legally established use for a VCR's record function is "time-shifting": watching the exact same program in its entirety at a different time, once. If you skip the commercials when you watch a video, you could legally be sued for hundreds or thousands of dollars, and depending on where you live, you may be a criminal.
    ........Are you saying that TIVO is copyright infringement?
  13. I was first introduced to the spiderweb games by a family member showing me the demo for A5. I also tried showing one of my friends geneforge 5, but I don't think they were interested. I actually have never seen anything Avernum/geneforge related on the internet, ever, unless I have deliberately looked for it.

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