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Posts posted by Txgangsta

  1. The high health bars for enemies did not make anything more difficult. I want something where I have to think, where only certain spells are effective, where my party is split and I have to learn to compensate. That would make the game so much more fun.


    Even in saying that, I still play on normal 90% of the time. I like the story and min-maxing more than the challenge of the current style of difficulty.

  2. Dikiyoba offers the best solution. Make your way to trajkov without killing too many takers and sholia along the way, and see if he'll give you another one.


    Another thing I can suggest is go to Crossroads and see if they'll steal your tarnished amulet, then go back to kazg and get a new one.

  3. I edit wikipedia to my liking all the time. So do a million other people. Don't use it as a source, and barely use it to learn from.


    That being said, threads here go off topic faster than anything I've seen.

  4. 1) You mean when you walk around in real life you can see around corners before you get there? How cool!


    2) You must be trained. Go into a room with a trainer and they will train you. There's one in that fort you start at, as well as major towns.


    3) I can understand here. Going into a town should heal you, not roaming aimlessly in the wild.


    4) Its a bit slower, but it encourages me not to cheat. Its nothing to throw a tantrum over, nevertheless.


    I played all the geneforges before the avernums, and then started avernum at 4. After beating A5, I decided to grab A1-3. They are a totally different game. The graphics are simpler, but A3 is still the best avernum game Jeff made. You have to learn how to play these games before your going to be good at it.


    I originally left like you did. I downloaded A1-A3 long before I bought them. I didn't understand where I even was half the time. Once you figure out how to work the game, you'll find they're easily as good as the rest of the avernum series (not including A4, it sucked).

  5. They will train you up to level 3. They will not train you beyond level 3. One of the skills I do hold off on is...


    Click to reveal..
    Nature Lore. It has you miss getting some things early and you must fight anything within a mile, but it saves skill points to buy.


    There are others that you can hold off on, this is just one I hold from until I get to that trainer. I don't want to say too much and be a spoiler, so I'm ending my post here.

  6. The closest point to the entry that I can get is at a place where you drop down to where a wright is (well, used to be). There are 3 rooms to the west of the hallway, and to the east is the room I just mentioned, a gate I cannot open with a switch behind it, and an exiting hallway with magical barriers that I do not have the ability to break. This is in the SW of original point of entrance to Galag-Trav. I cannot get the gate north of this hallway to open by any combination of the 2 buttons I have available.


    I have been down the stairs, and conquered everything down there. I killed the super-goblin (looks like A3's giants) chief and he gave me a ruby. I've looked all over for another key, or some different way out, and cannot find anything new. The only place I cannot go is in the crypt, but matt's walkthrough says that is a roman area only.


    Edit: I have the daughter already as well, so all the flags should be working.

  7. I know you can change it at the start if you have the "change resolution" thing still up. If not, go to the preferences and tell it to turn on, quit, restart, and mess with the resolution settings until you get something you like.


    There is probably an easier way to do what your wanting, I just don't know what it is. This way works on my mac.


    Good luck!

  8. Dragons are in Midori, i think. The one south of Northwest Valorim. Sulfras is not insane in A3. She is just angry.


    Yes, that is normal, depending on the party. Ice lances helps when there is multiple demons, as does repel spirit lvl 3.


    X is through a secret door in the tower of the magi on the far east side. Just ram every wall in that eastern hallway and you'll find him. If the tower of the magi already exploded, he'll be at portal keep or fort emergence, though I don't know which one or where.

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