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Posts posted by Txgangsta

  1. First note, I love Marathon! I was like 6 when I played it last. My dad moved around, and I shot the weapons. It was a blast.


    The other people of gladwell I believe are hostile, except for the girl in the inn (get it? hahahaha!). But I only know of two crystals, one up top with gladwell, and one down below (your geas crystal).

  2. Magic is mysterious. I don't remember anything about it except that if you had the ability you could be trained in controling it.


    The graphic art seems to imply that essence comes from the caster and coalesce's not far away. The essence is then directed with magic to form the creature. At least I think that's how it works. That's how it works in my mind.


    I remember essence vats that were volitle after mantience wasn't kept up.

  3. An all offense build works really good unless enemies have an area effect attack, and your priest doesn't know group heal.


    Ex: The giant in A5 is nearly impossible to kill before the drayk pillars simply because of the area of effect. I can kill him no problem as soon as I get group heal. Another enemy that is nearly impossible is the Pit Crawler. It'll kill a character every turn, while the worms swarm you.

  4. Of A1-A5, A3 was my favorite. I actually have never beaten it fully, and I still think its the best. The only thing that could be desired is where the pack you carry does not count to your overall weight.


    And Jeff is not still making these. A6 is the end. I think its a good time to start a new story, as we can't stay in the caves forever. I'm looking forward to the many upcoming adventures of Avadon.

  5. Then you will accomplish your goal. Spend as little as you can on each stat, and remember that bows/thrown missiles count as 1/2 a point. This means if it costs 7 to upgrade melee, and 4 to upgrade bows, melee is the better deal.


    Note: I like unununium better than roentgenium. =p

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