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A less presumptuous name.

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Posts posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. I know that I haven't been posting much around here lately, but I've been lurking. I just want to post here before the end of time. Speaking of, that was 19 minutes ago. I was hoping to have a new forum as a birthday present, but I guess I'll just have to wait.

  2. Originally Posted By: Miramor
    - Too much deus ex machina, too much unexplained coincidence. At times the Doctor seemed to get things accomplished while stumbling over his own feet. Mind, that's a terrific missed opportunity... I mean, he's a time traveler. He can go forward or backward in time to set things up for his past or future self, so that he comes out on top in seemingly impossible situations. Repeated failures to incorporate that into the plots make me a sad SF buff.

    While they're not really explained, at least in New Who, it is made clear that there are limitations on the Doctor's abilities, as well as on time travel in general. There exist fixed points, which cannot be altered. Also, because non-fixed time can be rewritten (for the most part), going ahead to see what happens and how to fix things doesn't work. In the newest episode, they actually play well on what happens when the Doctor knows what is going to happen. It isn't pretty.

    Also, he seems to have an internal code of what is and is not acceptable. Keep in mind that he's been doing this for centuries. If there were better ways to go about things, he probably would have figured them out by now.

    I realize that I'm giving these explanations greater suspension of disbelief that I do explanations for most sci-fi. I guess that's because I really enjoy watching Who, so I'm okay with taking their word for why things work (or why they don't).
  3. Interestingly enough, and almost tangentially related, a friend's psych textbook on human relations, based on the author's own research, found that both men and women are attracted to red. I knew stareye was sexy...

  4. Quality over quantity is by no means a bad thing when it comes to postcount.* I expect my frequency of posting to decrease even more in a few weeks, as college life steals my time.



    *I'm reminded of an awkward discussion of postrate...

  5. I like when people talk about the theory of evolution, and whether they believe in it. Evolution isn't a theory, it's an observation. It occurs whether you acknowledge it or not. It's not a question of belief. Darwin is known for this theory of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection being the theorized mechanism for the observable process of evolution.

  6. The term "meme" comes from Richard Dawkin's book, The Selfish Gene, to describe non-genetic traits and behaviors that pass through generations in a society, more or less. Since then, the term has expanded in use. I'm not sure how or when the idea of a meme as an image with text over it came to be, but that's where we're at now.

  7. The end of August is upon us, which means that many in this community will be returning to some level of schooling. The question thus goes out: what courses will you be taking this quarter/trimester/semester/year? It's always interesting to see the levels and subjects in which we spiderwebers are involved.


    Personally, I'm starting this thread too early. I'll be a first-year student at a university with a quarter system, so I won't pick classes for another month. I'll post again once I know what I'm doing.

  8. Slarty's departure, or at least his stepping to the side, will undoubtedly shift the paradigm of life here at Spiderweb. You will be missed. No one can fill your shoes, but I hope the community continues to grow and develop. I'll see you in the games forums at the next release.

  9. I like B the best. A few suggestions, just from my preferences - Try adding radial symmetry at 180° to the stars. In other words, you should design the starts for the top half and then spin the same arrangement down to the bottom, so that kitty-corners have the same look. Also, can you bold the outline of the pegasi and darken the blue background just a little?

  10. Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
    I have the opposite problem. Every so often, UBB will decide that I have already read everything.

    This makes more sense, as there is actually a button at the bottom of the page to mark all topics as read. That said, I've never had either one happen to me, and I use Firefox and never clear caches.
  11. Originally Posted By: VCH
    On a related note, 3D movies really piss me off: 3D adds nothing of value, the glasses are not comfortable and make every scene way darker than it should be.

    And what of those of us with prescription glasses? 3D glasses are particularly uncomfortable for me, and I've yet to see a movie that really *needed* to be 3D to work. In fact, most movies don't gain much of anything, in my experience.
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