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Mr. Slithzerikai

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Everything posted by Mr. Slithzerikai

  1. Ok sorry I took a little while to reply.. I'm using a Mac. Anyone else with a PPC Mac get this problem??
  2. First off, I've trashed and downloaded BoE several times to see if it would work, but it did nothing. What's wrong is, when I open BoE's scenario editor, I can get past naming the scenario and choosing a password, but then right when I click Okay on the box that pops up and says be patient, an Error number 80 occurs (if that helps any), and the program terminates. It says there that giving BoE more memory might help, but I thought that there was no way of doing that on Mac OS X. Any help?
  3. I've been working on a lot of scenarios over the past year.. not sure if I should upload them to this site?
  4. Most IQ tests are a waste of time... And what happened to Iffy?
  5. I like this one much better. I didn't actually buy Avernum 4, since it wasn't that fun for me. But after playing through a bit of Avernum 5, I'm pretty sure I want to see the rest.
  6. Finally something to post about Thanks for bringing back the old engine! This is exactly what I was hoping Resurrection would be
  7. Ok thanks was confused about it for a second... And it came with the CD...so Ill try it out
  8. Ok, I know this probably isnt the right place or site to post this kidna question....but I really do need help.. A little while ago, my cousin was screwin around with my computer, and deleted some files..including my classic mac files and everything needed to run it...thats now why I let noone on my computer... But anway, I need to know if there is any way to get back the classic mode, without totally reformatting my computer.. I put this in the Exile Trilogy because of this, even if it doesnt belong here... Mac OS X Users and Registering Exile- If you are having problems getting these games to register properly, go into your Classic mode preferences, Advanced tab, and make sure the "Use Mac OS 9 preferences from your home" box in unchecked. Any help would be appreciated
  9. I liked VoDT...It makes me wanna buy the game...but I need some money first Just wish I knew how to use the editor...some is just a bit too confusing for me..
  10. Ugh I think i should finish Avernum 3 and 4 before reading these post..I just ruined so many part of the games
  11. Yeah I suppose it would be a side project with little time spent on it, if anything
  12. Well, I find thats theyre both different games.. Avernum might be like an updated Exile in graphics and everything, but Exile had different thing about it..oh well Ill just stick to Avernum I gues..
  13. Well Im glad I sign up to these forums..now I wont just find thing out when they are almost done..like avernum 4 >_>
  14. Sorry Kelandon, juse wanna get into some new conversations is all...
  15. I know this is probably a stupid question, or maybe not.... But anyway, is there any chance either of those two games will become freeware or no? Maybe not old enough yet? I only ask because I have not lots of cash on hand at the moment...
  16. Why is it so much like Geneforge now?? I liked the far off view from the other 4 more...but don get me wrong, I still love all the games
  17. I dunno, I think it would be cool if there was a new race..cant think of anything specific, maybe something thats resistant to cold..maybe another hairy monster like the nephilim?
  18. Is this happened already and I just dont know?? I miss these games...
  19. Oh please make it compatible....I cant stand using my old computer to play it..its so buggy... Or would doing this take a lot of time??
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