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Jeran Korak

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Posts posted by Jeran Korak

  1. If you hit the Unstable Servents enough, they will rebel against the Prime and attack it, if they're destroyed he'll take control over them again and ressurect them at full HP. Getting control of them means he'll be hitting them with Lightning before you.

  2. I find myself unable to destroy General Redmark on my Darkside playthrough. I hit him with everything I have, he never shows up a "Your blows are having no effect" message and his defence pylons absolutely refuse to die. I had all of them at 1 health from Divine Fire, yet they still WOULD NOT DIE!


    Help please?


    Also, if this is a bug, can you provide me with the sdf needed to trigger in the Shift-D menu so I can skip him?

  3. You mean, if I put say a Shielding Knife in a quickslot while using a Bonding Knife I'd get 8+ to Defence (I think thats right) 1- to all primary statistics and 5+ to Endurance. Not sure I got all the item stats right, but you get the general idea.

  4. No idea as to your first question, your second I can answer.


    GOD Parties are parties created in the High Level Party Maker, they have ultimate stats, are level 250 and get GOD items that give things like 75% chance of saving life, 25+ to all statistics etc.

  5. Both of them are fanatical fools. Trakovite all the way. If the rebels win, they want ALL creation laws gone, what kind of insanity would that be!?


    Shapers want creations to have zilch rights, if they win, the common folk are kept under a brutal reign and the shapers put up new laws that allow effetively the instant and un-provoked extermination of any group if they are found to be even talking about creations in a wrong way. Cruel and fanatical.


    Trakovites on the other hand wish to abolish shaping, as far as I know however, they do not express any desire to actually destroy creations. Meaning that Serviles and Ornks would probably survive.

  6. Quote:
    Originally written by Khai of Khem:
    Starving the Drakons out might not be such a good strategy either; Shaping more or less gives an unlimited supply of free food. Nalyd doubts that the Drakons use farms anyways, seeing as they're probably pure carnivores. Shape a boatload of Ornks every week and you're good. If you can't Shape Ornks, pretty much anything will do. Fyoras, Thahds. . . Not as efficient, but it should do.
    You neglect one problem not thought of in the games. Shaping would take effort, and time. You can't shape Serviles that easily, but why not? They obviously take a lot of energy to create, and are more intelligent. The basic principle of energy conversion is output and input are never equal (Or something like that I believe). You'd literally be eating yourself. And seeing as PC creations can be absorbed at will, makes you wonder just what creations are actually made of, and if it'd be good to eat!
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Eggs don't belong on panels:
    Gaiman's stories never seem to be about the stories he tells, really. It's the peripheral characters and the world or cosmology that make his writing interesting. That works well for world-building junkies (like me) and less for anyone who wants to read a novel.

    —Alorael, who thinks i]American Gods[/i] is just plain different enough to deserve hype, Good Omens is fantastic but heavily Pratchettized, and Neverwhere is a very mediocre story with a fantastic setting.
    The great sniper makes a typo! This must be preserved!
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Igor:
    Originally written by Randomizer:
    [QB]Jeff loves to include moral dilemmas, even though most of us are amoral powergamers. Kill them all seems to be the general idea.
    I thought our motto was "kill it and take its stuff!"
    Just about, by the way, welcome back.
  9. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    Originally written by Jeran Korak:
    I've always just bashed it to death on my own. How do you get help?
    No you haven't. It's impossible to kill it without doing the quests that allow you to; even if you somehow do enough damage to bring its health down to zero, it'll just stay at 1 health and not die. Even if you don't remember the quests to bring a piece of the shade to Correlea in the Castle and find the control rod in Rentar's first keep, you must have done them if you killed the shades.
    Thats what I meant.
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