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Retlaw May

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Posts posted by Retlaw May

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Jamey:
    Or, perhaps add a pack-mule type creation which has an inventory, a lot of HP (so it doesn't die all the time), and cannot fight worth a darn.

    That would avoid a lot of complications.
    Such a beast would have to be massive and heavily armored. Such a beast would be slow and if you wished for it to follow you, it would slow you down to an enormous degree.
  2. I have my doubts that the Shapers would accept them. These independent creatures endanger all they believe in. The Council would not rest until they, and their like, are all dead (except for a few isolated experiences where a creature may betray their kind to lend GREAT aid to the Shapers).

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Magma:
    Originally written by Rufus Rothgard:
    This thread formally sucks.
    Only formally?

    Well, now we have a member that use grammar well. Is not so useless.
    Your sentence has incorrect grammar. I'm assuming that you mean to say "uses" instead of "use". Seriously guys, this thread does really suck. People have made so many replies regarding nothing.
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by blueman02:
    You wouldn't have to physically drop the backpack in the game, just that you wouldn't have access to it as if you had dropped it. You can use any reason you want, like - Being surrounded by Vlish and Clawbugs you just don't have time to dig past the shaper equipment, spare weapons, and extra armor to find that speed pod you put in there earlier.

    "Don't attack me yet, I found it, now just give me time to move these five iron bars out of the way so I can... AAaagh!" oops your dead.

    ie. While in combat mode trying to open your backpack would do absolutely nothing until combat has been ended.
    You aren't getting my point that if you ran away, you wouldn't be able to run away with your 300 lb backback in combat mode... It would actually have to be left on the ground.
  5. But what you aren't taking into account is these are just subgroups of ONE misshap. That does not mean that this happens often, in fact, I think we would have heard about it if something like this had happened before...

  6. Something that Jeff has to take into consideration when he said he would think about that suggestion is that by reasoning that you drop the pack when fighting, (therefore it not counting against you) you would actually DROP it. This would mean running away in combat means loosing all your stuff that is not carried on you. I think that the weight system should be tweeked, but some of these tweeks people suggest would mean losing most of your stuff if you retreat or the like (even if a beast of burden carried it, it could be killed and if it tried to run away it probably wouldn't be the fastest invention of the shapers because it would be used to walking greater distance at a relativally steady and perhaps slow pace, and these would leave it a sitting duck).

  7. Quote:
    As it stands, rogue creations and such are a problem because power is in the hands of so few; the majority of people are not able to defend themselves.
    If more people were allowed to shape, then there would be more accidents, but they'd each be quickly contained. (Having an evil drakon or two wandering about wouldn't be a problem if every town had ten mages in it--some human, some drayk--capable of shaping, not fully trusting each other but obeying the laws because each is outnumbered.)
    What are you talking about? For one thing, most people would barely be able to make a little flame even with the aid of dry brush because most outsiders don't understand magic very well. Also, that would mean pouring resources into teaching people the proper use of magic. And even if they learn to control magic well, every bar/tavern fight could potentially blow up the whole town/city.
    And on the subject of many being able to contain something that was produced by one of your idea's non-shaper shaper. Rogues are definataly NOT the biggest reason why shaping is so controled. It is that DISEASE that could wipe out entire civilizations could occure from a careless outsider trying to make a crop grow bigger vegitables. How would your untrained shapers deal with that.
    Yes, I sound like I am a loyalist, and most of the time my favorite endings in the series involve being loyalist (sometimes canister sometimes not). (Though my favorite ending of G1 was using the geneforge and then destroying it.)
  8. They were powerful... But relativally to the other three choices they were the weakest and, in the end, were the most desperate for your help. (when I talk about sects I am not only talking about the shapers at drypeak, I am talking about serving the shapers as a whole). And you forget that your first test (and therefore easiest test) for any non-Awakened sect was to destroy the magnus complex (which wasn't all that hard to do).

  9. Killing children is a taboo in RPG's as everyone says. Though I don't get why it is so horrible compared to me running rampant through Mertis in the end of Avernum 1 and killing everything including the pregnant lady since all attack you for some reason instead of running away when you are killing people by the dozens in each turn with no effort.

    There are also games like Neverwinter Nights which has children, but attacking them deals no damage.

  10. While shapers may not be the front line, they are there and their army of creations is infront of them with the guardians, guards, and maybe even the odd agent sent to destroy the commander of the rebel army. Just because in peace shapers mostly do research, shapers are the base of the three classes and I doubt that they just let the guardians and agents take over two whole continents...

  11. Well, it may be that they may be short of canister made shapers, but drakons can be turned out in relativally greater numbers and require no control by link of essence.


    P.S. David Gemmell is my favorite author (Drenai Saga is the best with the Waylander series being my favorite).

  12. I was wondering what people's various opinions were upon who was the best character for each situation (in general I know that they differ by how a person plays). Also I am sorry about no extra options for G2 as I have not played it (I have only played G1 and G3 I don't know why). Also, I would like to make sure that their opinion is regarding torment level.

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