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Retlaw May

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Posts posted by Retlaw May

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Your ad could be here- contact me.:
    Originally written by Retlaw May:
    Finally someone recognizes what I have been saying and arguing. It seems to me that whenever someone does not agree with another and the other makes a thought provoking arguement, THEY IGNORE IT.
    Look, MOST SERVILES ARE DUMB AND THEY LIKE (NAY EVEN LOVE) SERVING THEIR MASTERS AND DOING THEIR JOBS. These serviles don't care that the others are happy, they shove everything down the throat of others. Remember that in G3 there were 2 occasions where the intellegent serviles ruined the lives of 2 perfectly happy and loyal serviles who just became angry and confused in the meeting that occured between them.
    I already addressed this issue. I did not ignore it. Both of you ignored my post.
    I don't believe you did... You only adressed a little point of it and I think we may have somewhat of a misunderstanding here. This is what you responded with:
    Originally written by Retlaw May:
    What gives the intellegent serviles the right to destroy the happiness of so many of their own kind?
    Why would every single servile have to be freed if only some want to be? Those that want to be free should be free, and those who want to serve the Shapers can serve the Shapers.

    If they are simply raised from birth to think of themselves as equals, then they will never want to be anything but free. So the intelligent ones can be free and can train their children to want to be free, and the unintelligent ones can keep having children who think of themselves as being unworthy.

    Well what I'm saying is that the intellegent serviles DON'T see why those who want to serve the Shapers should be able to. They have a misdirected view that all serviles should be free even if they don't want to be and it makes them miserable.
    P.S. This is all for thought provoktion and Shapers probably should have treated serviles somewhat better in the first place because none of this would have happened if they did.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by MagmaDragoon:
    I'm starting to think that the promblem cannot be solved...

    Smart serviles are smart enough to understand what freedom is, but the dumb ones can't even understand what freedom is, because they are... dumb.

    Then, if we could shape a smart servile from a dumb one, he surely want freedom, because he can think about/what is it, though when he was dumb he only wanted to work, and the prespective of freedom scares him.

    Sure, we can make all serviles free, but the dumb ones will never be happy...

    So, what the solution can be?
    Finally someone recognizes what I have been saying and arguing. It seems to me that whenever someone does not agree with another and the other makes a thought provoking arguement, THEY IGNORE IT.
    Look, MOST SERVILES ARE DUMB AND THEY LIKE (NAY EVEN LOVE) SERVING THEIR MASTERS AND DOING THEIR JOBS. These serviles don't care that the others are happy, they shove everything down the throat of others. Remember that in G3 there were 2 occasions where the intellegent serviles ruined the lives of 2 perfectly happy and loyal serviles who just became angry and confused in the meeting that occured between them.
  3. I'm just talking from a Shapers view point here:

    If you give serviles equal rights, then there was no point in their existance and creation. Shapers made these things to be happy to work for shapers. So in some ways, it would be inhumane to suddenly say, "Hey you have equal rights now, so go away somewhere to live your lives because we might as well use humans now." How do you think the majority of serviles would react. I think that they would beg their masters to let them stay and keep living as they had.

    When you speak of serviles, you speak as if the majority are for the rebels and are intellegent. I got the feeling that the majority were the dumb ones that liked working. You may argue that even the dumb ones don't like it in the dangerous places like on Gull Island, but I bet that very few actually work in places such as that.

    So, I feel that the intellegent serviles are acting much like a minority trying to impose themselves and their lifestyles over the majority. They don't care if the other serviles want it, they just will force feed it to them anyways!

  4. I don't agree with you that serviles are just modified humans. They are "humaniods" but does that mean that they are really the same as humans? I would sooner say that they were made from chimpanzees or something. Also, there is no evidence that Shapers have or ever will, create a human from essence. Shapers are quite strict on the research that they allow their people to do; just look at how they forbid necromancy. Even though shaping a human from essance is in theory possible (after all they are just shaping dna) there is no proof that that created human would truly be "human".

  5. First of all:

    You will all be crushed for your words against the just and mighty Shaper Empire!


    I killed Learned Darian in G3 (and probably in G1 too since I used the Geneforge and killed everything that moved).


    Does anyone know if this is the last Geneforge or not? I don't particularly want to see the series end, but I'm getting tired of vague and inconclusive endings that usually don't fit what I did in the previous games. If I took over the world in the first place, none of this would have happened!

  6. I was a little disappointed with the mild changes brought on by the Geneforge 1. I mean, the way they were talking about it, I thought I would be a god who could practically destroy a chain of islands with the flick of his/her wrist.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Thuryl:
    Originally written by Retlaw May:
    Such a beast would have to be massive and heavily armored. Such a beast would be slow and if you wished for it to follow you, it would slow you down to an enormous degree.
    What makes you say that? An elephant's average walking pace is much faster than a human's, and elephants can carry a decent amount of weight.
    1) An elephant-type creature wouldn't last too long on a battlefield of mutated monters seeking blood.
    2) Think of the essance cost that would be behind such a beast.
    3) You start out as a rebel, such a beast would probably be a Shaper product because creations generally don't carry stuff around (except for serviles who only carry the weapons and armor they wear and use).
  8. I, too think that such problems would be rare at best. Do you think that the Shapers would have been so unprepared if such problems were common occurances? If there were such problems the Shapers would be on constant alert to put down any rebelion or mass of rogues. I think that the reason that the rebels had such initial success was because this was a very, very, unique occurance.

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