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D Pliss

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Everything posted by D Pliss

  1. sorry, that was supposed to edit my last post, not double post.
  2. oozing, i don't need another person with some poison/acid, my archer AND pole slith do acid/poison {hard to tell} why do i need more, besides, in my opinion defence and good att is better than acid and SUCKY stats, my mage has lvl 3 acid spell {rarely uses though see reason why on part with no need for more acid}, and so uses radiant shortblade. UPDATES! aldous: replaces mica band for blessed armor band,and radiant boots for stabillity boots. thissa: replaces clover boots for radiant boots, spear of the fen for jade halberd, and bladeshield chain for jade chain. frrrrr: replaces swmp boots with clover boots, and swaps archers band with farsight band Mycroft: replaces enchanters robe with magus vest, and swaps flaming sword with radiant shortblade.
  3. oozing, i don't need another person with some poison/acid, my archer AND pole slith do acid/poison {hard to tell} why do i need more, besides, in my opinion defence and good att is better than acid and SUCKY stats, my mage has lvl 3 acid spell {rarely uses though see reason why on part with no need for more acid}, and so uses radiant shortblade.
  4. demonslayer owns oozing blade any day, in fact, lots of swords do
  5. sweet, jade halberd, didjn'g know ty! oh and... A FREKIN STICK, demonslayer is the best weapon in game for fighters, although, it doesn't really kill demons better. wha the heck is radiant soulblade, I use weapons with my mage too, he can use that, and where is it?????
  6. it wouldn't matter, rentars magic is more powerfull than erika's, he could counter it.
  7. I say why bother, it may of had a good rating, but i found it too confusing, and kinda boring, it didn't grab my attention at all
  8. i did the whole game in 89 days i think... {have to avoid tower of magie incident} {edit}: i found that a3 was the frekin easiest game i've ever played
  9. WARNING: if you like erika,DON't DO THAT PART OF GAME. how can such a powerfull person be killed by a FREKIN BEAM OF LIGHT the size of a PECIL!
  10. I just wanted to know if i have the best possable items i could have on my party, i'm in the abyss and have done some stuff there.. as i last recall i have: Aldous {my fighter} helm of klin,demonslayer,emerald chestguard, infernal shroud,hero's necklace,mica band, thrusting gauntlets,internial shield, girdle of might,readiant boots, airy vambraces. extras: oozing blade,singing rapier. Thissa {spearman} warriors cloak,serpentskin helmet,specral gloves, bladeshield chain,pealescent band,radiand plate, spear of the fen,icedrake vambraces,clover boots, girdle of endurence. frrrrrrrr {archer} archers cloak,helm of kar,tinkers gloves, tinkers bauble,archers band,nullity shield, swampwalker leather,runed vambraces,swamp boots, girdle of nimbleness, bow of decay. extras:blessed bow,frozen blade,shokwave bow,razordisks. Mycroft {mage and priest} grounded cloak,cap of thouhts,clairity talisman, radiant gauntlets,treated carapace,magestone band, enchanters robe,flaming sword,samaritan sandals, swamp pants,girdle of genius.
  11. before doing that rentar quest thing, i recomemend you are lvl 40 on all party members a least, and you have the good items eg: demonslayer, emerald chestguard, and more goodies.
  12. not ordinary hellhounds though, as i recall they are hunting hellhounds, and they are basically hellhounds 3x tougher, the golem is the same...have fun {note}:demonslayer is worth it totally
  13. I store everything in every game. In A4 I have approximently 3800 flawed crystals, 2500 lovely crystals, 1200 beutiful crystals, 25 ruby's and so on. Not much different in real life either!
  14. How do you edit? I've talked to the stupid cook, but nothing.
  15. Has anyone else missed crossbows in A4. Sadly I just noticed my third time trying {not beating} the game and currently in mertis. Or is a crossbow a empire weapon. {though it's on A1 and A2} or did jeff just not want to make sweet graphics for it. like ALL other A4 items. Main reason I play actually. to stare at the demonslayer all day. Good use of time!
  16. Is there a way to counter the bulky item penalty?
  17. I think he means Ogla, If so, that happened to me to, just visit other cities {or get the orb of tralini at day 60, other wise obtained after troglodytes but avernum is roaches which is what you have the problem of so just listen to other advise and forget what I said}.
  18. you can't shoot down pylons though, because they recharge if you arent close enough to shoot at you.
  19. you can't shoot down pylons though, because they recharge if you arent close enough to shoot at you.
  20. I'm probably wrong, but i think you have to a a item enchantment.
  21. I'd agree with that that. I like them all about equaly, but mossflower and Lord Brocktree are my favorites. you have to admire Riggu Felis I think it is, for taking salmandastron. Considering how many others tried.
  22. Well I think you should get a life!
  23. did you say you were making another one?
  24. Thanks, that saved me alot of frustration.
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