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Slith Lord

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Everything posted by Slith Lord

  1. Ok, thanks for let me knowin this, but I just wanted to give a trainer a bit of a plot, not like for example Zaloopa´s "Doomguard Armor"!
  2. Never heard of Demon Armor, is that a scenario?
  3. Maybe someone likes it, maybe not. I made a new Party Maker, maybe the best one ever made. It´s also offically my first scenario! If you want to try it, click here Please rate the scenario in this poll AFTER you tried everything of the scen.
  4. If you want to see forums without many topics, look at Subterra!
  5. If you get the package there, you will have delivered a package of raw Skribbane, you will get money, the guards will then search no mlonger for you! But I think you can do this quest more than one time, the people from Gale need more Skribbane!
  6. Quote: Originally written by Ephesos: Quote: Originally written by Slith Lord: Anyway I started once a scenario, but then my computer crashed. Storyline: Party shall clean a big Avernum cave to secure the burial of Motrax´ remains. Party fights many lizards. Party finds old still used Empire Fortress. Party kills big fortress residents. Party gets back and shows the "empty" caves, fights angered Pyrog´s Spirit and wins. Questions: -Still used Empire fortress? Why are they still there? Did they never hear of the truce? Wouldn't they be dead by now? (remember, well-written undead are an acceptable plot device, but random plagues are not) -Couldn't you just stick with the lizards, and have some particularly-powerful drake or something leading the pack? -Why Pyrog's spirit?[/QB] 1. Did you never play The Za-Khazi-Run, even there is a still used Empire Fortress and it´s even more remote than mine, ´cause I started to design the tunnels a bit to the north of Motrax´ cave! 2. Some good-trained Empire soldiers are hard to fight, even if they were for some yearse down in Exile. The dragon will be Pyrogs spirit, there shall be many other drakes in these tunnels, the tunnels to the north of Motrax´ cave were always full of lava and fire lizards. 3. Pyrog always hated humans as much as I know, I never met him in a game but I don´t think he likes his brothers and sisters, so why would he not try to keep a small Exile army from exploring drake territory and buriing Motrax´ bones with honor? Dragons are always mighty enemies for the end!
  7. I think the good old classic A1 is maybe the best one of them, I did not yet try A4 though!
  8. If you cast "light", why do you think something like a floating ball of flames will be with you?
  9. So this topic is no longer needed, please decide where to put a topic before posting it! To mods: please close this topic soon!
  10. BoE is still a 2D game, it´s easy to design, can be hard to play and got a much greater community! Anyway I started once a scenario, but then my computer crashed. Storyline: Party shall clean a big Avernum cave to secure the burial of Motrax´ remains. Party fights many lizards. Party finds old still used Empire Fortress. Party kills big fortress residents. Party gets back and shows the "empty" caves, fights angered Pyrog´s Spirit and wins.
  11. The FAQ is only about the forums on these boards!
  12. Edit: I mean how exactly do you get 1200% Acid Protection, I never got more that about 100%!
  13. Quote: Originally written by Slartucker: The Awakened may be gone, but it does seem that Jeff will have to invent some kind of third element, some "other" (much like the Vahnatai in Ex/Av) in order for the story to really progress at all. The war is too massive, the powers involved too great, for anything interesting to happen otherwise. Maybe some creations could get (somehow) too much intelligence and rule some lands like humanoid beings!
  14. Time is the only thing that cures everything anytime, maybe the time is not perfect but it will be cured! Try to hid in one of the inn rooms and wait for the status to wear off, it´s the same if you drink wine in the real life, it always takes some time to be normal!
  15. It seems like this guy took either not enough skribbane too feel what it does afterwards, or he took too much which killed all his pain reactions (or he never took any skribbane )!
  16. Ah, *hits something hard against head* yeah I forgot that completely, it should be Defence, like in Exile!
  17. You should be able to counter enc. at a fighter with more dex. and maybe a bit more str.!
  18. Quote: Originally written by cybertron13: ... and bitter loss scrolls from the char. editor ... Umm ... ah ... yeah ... uhmm I though the Bitter Loss scrolls take XP and skill points away, or is this a bug?!?
  19. It would ruin you game life through being weaker than normal.
  20. The demons are not easy in E3, why should they be in A3. Better be careful, if you´re only at day 50 it´s maybe hard for you!
  21. Better don not listen to him/her, skirbbane can be really dangerous!!!
  22. Which town, which area, which sort of floor???
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