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Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas

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Posts posted by Radix Malorum Est Cupiditas

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Suspicious Vlish:
    However, invading countries to annex land and assimilate their peoples is seen as morally reprehensible in today's society (with a few odd exceptions, such as the Israel-Palestine issue). Just because it has been practiced in previous eras, does not make it acceptable.
    Funny you should mention that. According to the world, they do care. Just not enough to do anything more than say 'you shouldn't be doing that' and promptly pretend that nothing is happening.
  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Retlaw May:
    Jewish people aren't huge fire breathing monsters that harbor unsatable greed and a need for control of everything. Not only this, but Jewish people also don't have the ability to shape which they use very freely without much thought of concequence.
    Wait, we're not? eek

    All of my work to become the most vile and dispicable monster in the world gone? Someone better warn Alec about this. :p
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Small Fry:
    Originally written by SevenMass:
    more than 16 you don't need anywhere in the game.
    (that is 13 +3 from items)
    you need to play more in the game before you post those things, you need a 20-25 in the abyss and i'm sure you need more in the giant lands for stuff,{odds and ends}.
    If you need 20-25 tool use for the abyss then what's unlock doors for?
  4. With 0 added combat multipliers (melee, strength, blademaster, items that add +to levels of damage in combat):

    Demonslayer deals 12-36.

    A stick deals 1-4.

    Demonslayer clearly wins.


    With 43 added combat multipliers:

    Demonslayer deals 55-165.

    A stick deals 44-176.

    Same average.


    With 60 added combat multipliers:

    Demonslayer deals 72-216.

    A stick deals 61-244.

    Stick FTW.


    Note that with a dedicated fighter with some decent items can get to 60 damage levels without too much of a problem. Sure, in the beginning of the game you might not want anything to do with sticks, but by the endgame a fighter with a stick is a force to be reckoned with.

  5. Umm, the first rentar encounter really isn't *that* hard. I'm kind of hazy on the details, but I think level 20 will do it.


    EDIT: And Demonslayer sucks in A4. Seriously. Get a good shield and a stick. Seriously, who was the person with the bright idea to make a stick deal more damage than a broadsword?

  6. Or you could just:

    	code =		set_level(pc_num(),60);	break;
    But if you want to add xp, then:

    	code =		add_xp(60000,get_lvl(pc_num())); //can't remember if it's get_lvl or get_level		add_xp(1,get_lvl(pc_num()));//repeat 60 times	break;
  7. There is no reason whatsoever in A4 to try min/maxing exp. The larger the exp penalty the better.


    I've played the game with one character with the maximum exp bonus. I made about 5 levels off the top of a four character party all with exp penalties. That's four times the skill points to go around plus the free skill points from the bonus skills.


    EDIT: Divinely Touched is a must.

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