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Posts posted by I_am_a_Minotaur

  1. As I was thinking about Trakovites, I began to wonder. If Trakovitism suceeded, would the losses be more or less than if the Rebels or Shapers suceeded. Most likely if the Rebels suceeded the losses would be far greater with two sets of unbound on the loose, but with the Shapers, I'm not so sure. This rebellion has caused the Shapers to change their ways, to become less strict with creations, and kinder. This rebellion may have done much of what the Serviles wanted in the first place. The only casualties left to come would be those of soldiers rooting out the last eyebeasts, drayks and Drakons left on Terrestia. Perhaps the losses would be greater following the Trakovite path.

  2. That is an great idea. But I think that it shouldn't be survival of only your character, but survival of a community from a major city such as Dillame. You find a G4 Geneforge and use it. Then you use your newfound powers to help your commuity survive. In the end you will have helped to start the rebuilding of the Shaper World, this time with, the lessons of the past, without the Shaping. You will enforce it and no longer shape as you did to rebuild civilization.

  3. Quote:
    Just for the record, if upon mars were to join, this (or any?) club would be significantly less appealing...

    He doesn't make the club less appealing......

    And seriously, don't flame him. I'm not exactly sure that you wouldn't make the club any less appealing.
  4. Horses would add a new, interesting dimension to combat. However, to even cmbat out you would have to add a weakness to cavalry, and in turn add a weakness to ground melee, missile and magic fighting. It would be complicated, and tough to pull off in a pleasing way, but if it worked a great factor to the games.

  5. I personally don't want Martians. I like the swords and sorcery way the series are going. I'd like for that to continue. I'd aso like there to be another type of different magic in the next series. I like the extra dimension, and missed it when I went to play Avernum 4.

  6. First off, which class are you? If yu are an Agent or a Servile I suggest you charm the Battle Beta and Rotdhizon regularily, it will make the fight so much easier if you have two free killing machines. As anther type I suggest trying to lure the Sentiniels out to kill them. I haven't actally tried these strategies, but in theory they will work. I'd run immediatly after the sentienals appear.

  7. You have to work hard to keep something like a being created Geneforge hidden. Also, most of the mages would be making canisters, not the Geneforge, to supply the rebel humans.


    Another thing, there were many skilled and experienced Shapers making the origanal, while for these ones there are only newly created Lifecrafters.


    Drakons built the powerful ones, and they are very powerful. They didn't bother making the human ones because they feel the humans are not worth their time.

  8. I have noticed that many people feel that it's about time that Jeff makes a new series. I have to wonder, what do you see for the new series? Do you see something more modern with guns and armour, do you see a futuristic game, with space ships and multiple planets, or do you see the same type of game with magic and swords as the main weapons. What type of storyline do you see? I personally hope he finishes Geneforge first, but what do you think?

  9. It might be a Trako vs. Drakons and Shapers War, although I'm not sure that the Trakos would stand a chance. Currently that's the best idea I can think of for a plot that's not Shapers vs. Drakons.


    What about creations? With a war going for this long the two shaping sides will end up creating a couple of new creation types per year, if the stalemate continues. Although I'm not sure how Jeff would come up with any more creations, I was suprised enough he could come up with the Kyshaak, Wingbolt and War Trall.

  10. It has been awhile since Geneforge 4 came out for Mac, and it's about time to start pondering Geneforge 5.


    First off, which ending do you think will be chosen? I doubt that either of the Rebel endings will be chosen, since they seem to just kill off the Shapers. However, both the Trako and Shaper endings would fit well with a continuing storyline(which I hope there wile be), with the Trako endings being a continuation of the war, and the Shaper ending sending it back to being a story of hidden rebellions.


    There is a possibility of the Rebel ending however, the drayks and serviles both seem to hate the drakons, which does not bode well for them. But I still don't really see the Rebel ending being chosen.


    I hope to see Khryk return once again..... I liked his presence in Geneforge 4. I also hope to see Agent Miranda and General Crowley again. They were both interesting characters and added a bit of a teast to the Shaper side.


    I also hope we get to see the entire continent, instead of just the eastern portion. After clearing out Western Morass I was dissapointed to see that you couldn't get to the west with only a wooden wall stopping you.


    What do you expect and want to see?

  11. I find it fun....., but it's no longer unique.I wish it was, but with the inclusion of the servile it no longer is.


    Slartucker. Or Slarty.
    Thanks, I couldn't remember the spelling at the time.


    You don't have to play as a lowly servile, duh.
    He looks more imposing than a little rebel servile.
    So basically the only reasons so far are:

    - if you are like ET and hate serviles.

    - because the graphic looks cooler.


    If the Warrior had some kind of strength bonus, or some other bonus, it would be unique, but without it, it's like a lesser Servile.

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