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Posts posted by MacProject

  1. Northeast of Formella there's a crazy necromancer by the name of Hriknis (not sure how to spell his name, too early in the morning...) who fights your party with the aid of a green pylon plus some summoned undead creatures.


    I've tried to finish him off several times and he's just too strong. My characters are all around level 10. It seems that if I attack the pylon, my characters get confused or cursed. If I destroy the pylon, Hriknis and his summoned creatures take acid damage. Yet, he's able to cast some pretty nasty spells which wipe my party out very quickly. I've tried casting Haste, shield and war blessing as well as summoning a few of my own beasts to provide some extra bodies.


    I'm kind of stumped. BTW, I did manage to to clear that testing area not far from this Hriknis' lair so I'm not a total noob to the combat.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Paneudaimonium:
    Which is no longer supported by Intel Macs, so the fate of Exile hangs in the balance!

    —Alorael, who actually has hopes for projects like Mac-on-Mac. Chip emulation is a little more work, but people would be willing to pay to keep playing the games of yesteryear.
    I suppose in the absolute worst-case scenario, we could all just use or buy an old Mac for the Exile series. I mean, old 1st generation iMacs can be had for under $50 via eBay and some online surplus retailers.
  3. I have to say that I really like the "job board" feature in A4. Since I enjoy completing as many quests as possible I wouldn't mind seeing the available quests list revamped a bit in future Avernum games.


    Specifically, keep current/open quests in bold or colored font. And when a quest is completed, don't remove it from the list, but rather mark it completed or in a faded font.


    This would make it easier to keep a running tally of which quests you took on and finished for subsequent replays. As it is, removing quests from the list upon completion can make it difficult to remember.

  4. Quote:
    Originally written by mok:
    250 days.
    But I spent a bunch of time wandering back and forth across the islands looking for 1 item in my stash and/or trying to forge items.
    I think my first time through will be around 250 days as well (up to day 98 right now and still on the Dhonal's Keep region). I'm really taking my time on this one on the initial playthrough!
  5. Been playing GF3 a lot lately and have managed to work out some of the quests on my own. Obviously there's plenty of potential here for replayability, so I was wondering if the hint book is worth buying to peruse through after finishing the game to catch all the stuff I missed?


    I've never opted for a hint book with any of the Spidweb games. Are they complete walkthrough guides? Or do they only give you vague clues for certain problem areas? I appreciate any insight! smile

  6. Jeff clearly states that the graphics are kept simple mainly because he's not a graphic artist as well as to keep the file sizes tolerable for those who download his games over modems.


    Personally, I love the bitmapped old-school graphics. Say what you will about the latest polygonal graphics, but Spidweb's games have a certain charm that many of us older gamers can appreciate.

  7. Since I am a quest completist, I would like to see the available quests list revamped a bit.


    Specifically, keep current/open quests in bold or colored font. And when a quest is completed, don't remove it from the list, but rather mark it completed or in a faded font.


    I like completing the various quests, but it does get hard to keep track of which one's I've completed since they disappear completely from the quest log once you finish them.

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