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About Tohubohu

  • Birthday 01/05/1986

Tohubohu's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Download Exile, II, or III. Just to hear the battle entry sound.
  2. The land inherited by the Avernites would be an interesting setting. It would be kind of cool to travel to the other continents, but Valorim was the only known continent to have monsters still roam the land. Some Avernites stay below, and some do not. Perhaps the story could branch there.
  3. I've lightly read the documents that came with the BoA editor, and some of the FAQs and articles written by the BoA community. Is there a document or walkthrough that I could view? I don't understand how the game loads the script into my scenario. Are the special commands or strings? I need to know how to structure a script, when/how to use calls, how to use special encounters, memory cells, etc. The basics. If anyone knows and/or can assist me it would be appreciated! (i.e. give me a page number I missed in the Docs, a scenario script to look at, or a webpage) Just did. Hm... I dislike Notepad. On the upside, it looks like I can stop trying.
  4. Quote: * Enter-combat-end-combat bug: you can get placed in totally nonsensical locations when ending combat. If you enter and then end combat immediately, you get placed one space forward. This allows you to skip special rectangles extremely easily. I find this bug to be particularly damaging to a scenario. In Diplomacy with the Dead, I was able to bypass several of the high-level traps and special dialog encounters with CENSORED and attack him before he engaged in combat. Several times. It could be annoying if an unintentional bypass was made on any scenario, especially when concerning SDFs and information vital to directing a scenario. Or when you want the party to hurt.
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