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Everything posted by mistica

  1. the end to me is dissappointing... my valiant heroes & heroines are made Empire Dervishes...I mean, why could'nt Prazac just leave us alone
  2. I think the name Felixia is pretty lucky for me, it made me finish A3 in a record time of 23 days(1-2hrs each day)... {Ok, so I am slow!!!!!}
  3. I just renamed Falco --- Teutonic (I am going through a war stage--- the other three party recruits are named Crimean, Civil and Crusades
  4. i gave "X" my vote in the sex-change thing... hehe Quote: Tolkien, before the Hobbit and LotR, was an expert on old Norse and Germanic mythology, including Beowulf and the like. My favourite one is Sir Gawain & the Green Knight... & also the stories of Thor & Odin.
  5. Quote: In the first Avernum games, I used Frodo, Gollum, Gandalf, and Galadriel. Scary, huh? lord of the flings, eh
  6. well, I tried to make my mage cast a spell after putting on 'Gauntlets of Might' & it did not work. same happens with head gears like torcs and leather helmets that are charmed (like golem diadem)
  7. well, as you have already killed there is perhaps no going in the past... though you can fix it (I'm not exactly 100% sure) with character editor. However, why save them when you get a load of goodies in the tunnel, & none of the people in there are good, so you dont loose any rep. Think of yourself as Terminator-2, doing this for the cause of the empire.
  8. I am really concerned of those kinds of armours that do not prevent mage spells over 'slow'. Is there any such thing (except for the natural mage character trait thingy)
  9. seriously inspiring to me is the names of poets & warrriors... I named my characters Thor, Odin, Freyja & Loki after a jostling of norse mythology. Loki is my nephil, and my slith is Odin. Yet, my all time favourite names are those I got from the poets: Keats, Coleridge, Eliot and Shakespeare. I'm startin a new game today... how does beowulf & Gawain sound
  10. Seriously, everytime I start a new game, I name my characters something. The last time I named them Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff & Slytherin, Coz Pottermania was On for me then. So, what kind of names do you guys give when you play
  11. you may have a point there. Personally, I love a couple of nephils & a large hairy slith (whom I call 'saru' meaning rotten) to mere humans. Quote : "Do any of those 55 races have scales, or fur, or protruding tusks, or hairless, gray, ovaloid heads?" Ans: well, some of the finer species posesses them quite often, though they may be acquired (from a fur shop or dentist's)... as far as ovaloid heads go, well......that may be inherent.
  12. well, I too have a dervish, but I do prefer a witch.
  13. well, I guess the slith nephil stuff is worth a thought..... thinking... Thinking... thinking still... okay, here's what I think. You can really not play all the quests until at least 1 of your players are from other races except human, like the "find iron for Hunter nephils" & stuff. so Jeff must have kept THAT in mind while fashioning the game. However, the game is not really racist, its the people who are in the game that are prejudiced against the heroes. Generally, the prejudices are against Avernites (And sometimes against the respective genus), still, its all part of a greater process. I mean, do you people mind recalling the A1 & A2... They were a struggle for freedom, & this is no exception. We must see that the whole thing on racism does not exist when the struggle has a common goal. So fellow players, keep this in mind when you further comment on so-called "racism", I mean, why does people have to think in such a manner From where I hail, there are more than 55 different races living together. Sure, we have our differences, Yet, we never put racism before ourselves. This topic, I can conclude, can only come from a highly snobbish & narrow mind who cannot see anything but petty cases.
  14. Ok, I want to know something... what exactly is the Set Tasks Down thingamyjig in a3 CHARACTER EDITOR & what are the codes for what stuffs also, why should I use (or not) use it
  15. I thought that A2 was hard, yet I had to change my opinion when I played A3.I do'nt know why, Personally I consider E3 easier, coz I finished that 1 without any help except the hints. A3 took the good part of 3 months & with the help of cheat, character ed. & Kelandon(thanx!!!) though he tells me off sometimes when I tend to overexert my opinions, like I am doing now!!!
  16. search the private houses at Moon & you'll find 'em. I'll give you a great piece of advise: do not kill him till you have spent a good amount of your hard earned cash learning & gaining experience from him. He'll do wonders for your level.
  17. dont worry. Almost every1 cheats in A3. Even great men. he he.
  18. my favourite among all spells is definitely Smite, mainly for its small capacity & good effect. Divine Warrior comes a close 2nd.
  19. Among the numerous spells in A1, A2 & A3, which 1 do you like the most, & why do you like it The question is simple, answer carefully.
  20. they can get destroyed with the help of piercing Crystal & far sight.
  21. Yeah! cloud of blades spell also kills demon golems easily, & drakes. Still, Arcane Summon is my favorite spell.
  22. well, you must see that the middle light is off. to do that step on the 6th rune.
  23. well, since messing my room is pretty much my work, I really like putting stuffs down at my home, in Lorelei. There's a room for putting & messing stuffs, & I will do that just to make the game a little more comfy!!
  24. you'll find a nephil in Gale, called mrrrr. Take his skiff for 100 coins. Oh, & talk to a guy near Wainscotting. He'll give u a good hint for stuffs hidden in Vila.
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