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Shaper Anton

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Everything posted by Shaper Anton

  1. it would be cool if we can edit our own maps in Geneforge 5, making our own scenario,
  2. Yeah, especially they att you when they see u
  3. Worst PLot?????? No, i don't think so...
  4. Six character......*Mutters* What is that? A pig????? Not a servile, eh?
  5. Really??? G2,3 is good but i don't like G1. it is boring
  6. Quote: The highly-anticipated fourth game in the Geneforge series is coming by the end of the year! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ummmmmmmmm,i think the story line in G1 is bad, G2's OK and G3's pretty good. i wonder how G4 will go...
  7. too little health, att too strong, creates too little but too strong
  8. Make the area bigger and the characters a bit smaller
  9. Quote: On creations that you created you have the options of developing it should it have skill points or asorbing it. Another option should be to realse it. If you realse a creation you would have no control over it. It would become rouge and go hostil against the first thing that approachs it. If you realse a creation you don't get the essence from it but it doesn't lower your totale essnce you can have. It would be good if you wanted to repoulate an area with rouges say if you want to train your chacter more. Or to harass a very powerful enemy. Ahhh!!! or make them friend ly and conquer the whole town if you can create servile, especially if they can be warrior
  10. Play the games in easy level, if it is too easy, change the setting
  11. What about releasing your creation and be able to make them neutrual, hostile and friendly?
  12. Can we release a creation? How? It would be fun to releace some strong creations and make some of them hostiles. then i can have fun being in a battle Mawhuahaahaha!!! Put them in the friendly town and watch the people there suffer
  13. I like them but they are usually weak and does not follow you for long
  14. i tried putting a new script in again. Doesn't work...
  15. GF series is nice, i like them but wouldn't it be better if ther is something like Geneforge Online Game?
  16. It is in GF2 and in the first area And there is nothing wrong with the other parts of the game except for that
  17. I don't know how to use the geneforge... ^-^ But as for destroying the friend ly towns... I will only distroy the kazg
  18. hi, reasently there was a topic about the essence pods. and it made wonder why can't the pot restore my essence eventhough i made some creations. since they are magical they are suppose to give me some extra ess, right? It would be good if they change it in G4
  19. I wanted to start all over again to be a shaper on no one's side, but when i reach the abandoned shop, santa stops and said some gibberish"Quote: TRU^$&$dfh5E^UYYGI^T....." and it went on for about 3 more lines before it turns back to normal, how can i fix it?
  20. Very good poll, i like it. I am a loyalist, but i am not sure y, may be because the market place is bigger...
  21. Kyshakk That's a cool creature, multiple att 90
  22. I load my game file and it said the terrent.txt can not be loaded, can any one tell me what's the problem?
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