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Posts posted by Sullust

  1. I've tried playing Nethergate, but I just can't get used to dealing with how tiny the viewing area is compared to Jeff's more recent games. If you decide to go with Geneforge, I'd recommend getting one of the later games in the series and then going back to Geneforge 1 if you enjoy it. The gameplay in Geneforge I takes a bit of getting used to compared to the others.

  2. So far, it hasn't been too bad here in Pennsylvania. There has been a lot of rain and wind, and some trees are down, but not a lot of damage. Of course, the center of the storm isn't supposed to get here until later tonight.


    It was only after I lost power that I realized I don't own any flashlights. Though a Nintendo DS seems to work just as well.

  3. I'd start with Python or Perl; they are much easier to break into than C++ or Java. Both have fairly large communites and online documentation. I should also mention Udacity has a couple of python programming courses. Once you're comfortable with those you can try messing around with C++ or Java. Using an IDE like NetBeans makes the development process much easier.


    As far as C goes, I'd hold off on that until you're familiar with pointers and writing Makefiles.




  4. Originally Posted By: BMA
    Having picked a couple of less-chosen options myself, I'm glad that some minority options have been clubbed together into the 'other' bar.

    I for one proudly wave my Nephilim banner.

    Originally Posted By: The Mystic
    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Popular US states included ... Michigan
    That's news to me, and I was born and raised here...

    Given the sample size of the poll, I wouldn't say it's a significant number of people.
  5. Lt. Sullust sets off the bus immediately to find himself. He's not sure if his plan will work; however, it's worth a try.


    Lt. Sullust (older): Hey you, come over here.

    Lt. Sullust (younger): Who are you?

    Lt. Sullust (older): That's not important, you gotta a piece of paper and a pen. I need you to write something down.

    Lt. Sullust (younger): Uhhh... sure.

    Lt. Sullust (older): Good, the winning lottery numbers for --


    Before he can say anything else Lt. Sullust attacked from behind and a strangely fluffy pillowcase is thrown over his head. He manages to make out a couple voices through the fluff.


    (voice 1): Sorry about that Lt. Sullust. This 'member' has violated the Code Of Conduct. We'll be taking care of this, please run along now.

    Lt. Sullust (younger): Yes, Drakefyre.


    The younger Lt. Sullust walks away. Confused, but not terribly interested in what just happened.


    (voice 2): Was he one of them?

    Drakefyre: Yes, I recognize him. He was on that bus a few years ago. Saunders, Schrodinger, find the rest of them and bring them to me. The bus will be mine!

  6. OOC: Sorry for the delayed posting. I've been busying with Avernum and the new Udacity courses.


    The nearby commotion in the restroom wakes Lt. Sullust from his ooc-induced nap. Finally standing, he sees Sylae coming out of the bathroom, her face bright red.


    Sylae: Someone was already in there.


    He follows the delicious smell of potatoes towards the front of the bus.

  7. Originally Posted By: Mike Echo

    It's funny, but to me most of the changes in your list aren't improvements.

    >Imagine all your characters being encumbered not by what they have equipped, but by how much they are carrying.

    Breaks realism. If I wear steel armor it's heavy, but I can carry a dozen sets in my backpack with no downside?

    Wouldn't the characters take off said backpacks before engaging in combat? So it's not like they are carrying all that extra junk while fighting.
  8. As the doors open Slarty notices someone standing outside the door


    Slarty: Sullust, how did you get out there already?!

    Lt. Sullust: Five years Slarty...five long years...


    Lt. Sullust walks back onto the bus wishing he had paid a bit more attention the first time he got off.

  9. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    I'm going to break with Iffy and assert that I will walk farther alone than in company.

    I don't mind walking; since I don't have a license I have to do it more often than not. But nothing is more terrifying than walking around at night and seeing a group of teenagers. Perhaps I'm just paranoid though...
  10. The tums managed to keep Lt. Sullust's heartburn at bay; but once the dancing started nothing good hold back the churning acid. While moving to the beat, he managed to trip into the bathroom. The soundproof walls allowed him to enjoy some quiet relaxation once he shut the door.


    Feeling the bus stop Lt. Sullust opened the door. MM was sprawled on the floor outside, his pants entirely soaked. Lt. Sullust only hoped that it was the watermelon juice from earlier (though the smell lead him to believe otherwise). After helping MM into the restroom, he went to gather a few things from his bag. 'Probably shouldn't leave the bus without any identification.' he thought as he picked up a small nametag that said 'TIM'. After grabbing a couple bottles of water he headed toward the front of the bus.


    Lt. Sullust: Where are we at Slarty?

    Slarty: Eternal September. Please watch your step on the way out. We don't want another mishap.

    Lt. Sullust: Is it safe?

    Slarty: Probably safer than being here with him. (pointing to Trenton)

  11. Having been unconscious while the meal was being ordered, Lt. Sullust didn't get the chance to order something specific for himself. Looking around, he notices Roentgenium pouring what appears to be gunpowder into a watermelon.


    Lt. Sullust: Should you be doing that?

    Roentgenium: Doing what?

    Lt. Sullust: Handling gunpowder. You seem to be--well I'm sure you're aware that you are on fire.

    Roentgenium: Trust me this is perfe--


    The melon promptly explodes filling the entire bus with a fine pink mist. Those closest to the blast are also covered by a layer of soot.


    Lt. Sullust: Well, I guess I'll just leave you to it.


    Lt. Sullust immediately heads back to his seat to get a couple Tums (careful to avoid slipping on the melon juice now all over the floor.) He wonders if they'll still be of use after all this time.

  12. Finding it entirely too noisy to get any more sleep, Lt. Sullust quickly walks to the front of the bus to speak with the driver. He notices a couple familiar faces; but the vast majority are new to him. Not paying too much attention, Lt. Sullust slips in a slush of whoopie pie and coffee that seems to have covered the floor. There is a sickening thud as his head impacts the floor.
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