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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. The major quests in A1 and A2 aren't quests in the modern sense of things, which has been warped (and not just by WoW) into "a mission that goes on your quest log and typically involves going somewhere to do one specific thing, although sometimes it involves collecting items, and it can usually be completed in a single sitting." I made a flowchart once of all the steps necessary to complete the major quests in X2. Including getting information from people, it's quite extensive.
  2. I suspect that having reasonable skill in Battle Shaping is necessary to use Corrupted Thahds well. What's your BS skill?
  3. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Nikki Robot-dinosaur-wizards, for the win. Untrue. No story of Dikiyoba's has ever featured robotic dinosaur wizards. Just ordinary dinosaur wizards. Win
  4. You're assuming that if sets of ten pages consistent of different threads, they will not be the same as the preceding and subsequent ones.
  5. in before the anocalypse
  6. It's definitely more of a delay than that -- around the time of book 1's release, which was fall 2007, it was supposed to come out a year to a year and a half later. I don't know if a specific date was given then. Edit: I'm not complaining about it, since the delay seems to be the result of making large improvements to the game based on user feedback... it is a delay however.
  7. Alorael, that describes the entirety of these message boards.
  8. Wasn't the original release date for Eschalon 2 something like September 2008? I know they're much closer now, but really, don't hold your breath.
  9. Another correction: you can start with Haste. Pumping Bolt of Fire from 1 to 3 will increase your damage by an average of 4 points (or possibly 3, if it's 75% -- see above) before fire resistance. This isn't a bad thing, and may be worthwhile, but it isn't critical.
  10. Some corrections: - Only 75% of your Mage and Priest Spells skills and your Spellcraft skill count towards spell strength. It may be 75% of the specific spell level too, I'm not sure about that part. - Also, Bolt of Fire does not do d5. It does d3. - Levels of Spray Acid will increase damage and duration up to a point, but there is a damage per turn cap for acid damage. Basically, given the skribbane exploit that turns cash into xp/sp, buying spell levels is always bad. It's okay perhaps if the spell level is really cheap and you expect to use it a lot, a la Bolt of Fire. Otherwise, with a full party, I'd pass.
  11. that brings a whole new meaning to "rebirth" of an "episode"
  12. I got home at 4:30 last night. What a wonderful New Year's Eve. Teehee.
  13. Quiconque


    EDIT: The conversation is continuing HERE. What Dintiradan said -- that's a really tiny sample size, given the sweeping generalizations the researcher is attempting to make. Unfortunately, I'm less undecided than Ephesos. While it's nice that we have all been handling it well so far, it's only a matter of time until that ceases to be the case. Let's end this and continue this (quite worthwhile) discussion at SV or CRF.
  14. Quiconque

    Déjà Vu

    I guess the voting repression issue is kind of like the software piracy issue: you can't really eliminate it, so you want to keep it minimal enough that it doesn't interfere with democracy/profit.
  15. Originally Posted By: To Sleep according to Drakey *facepalm* P.S. This is quite possibly the worst thread ever.
  16. Ah... a new branch of Vahnatai Creationism. The Misspelt Denomination. Just as heretical and idolatrous. He and She frowns upon thee.
  17. Quiconque

    Déjà Vu

    19th century Republicans? Umm, Ohio, anybody?
  18. If I were to make a 24 hour contest scenario, it would clearly involve cave cows with the divine ability to eat chitrachs at range.
  19. Originally Posted By: Dantius Protip: It is not overrated, because it contains the word "awesomeness" about 5 times per page. ...
  20. Really, SoT's custom title ought to be "Interlop'd!"
  21. "The author should die once he has finished writing. So as not to trouble the path of the text." Umberto Eco.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Slarty Yeah, the bottom line judgement I like to use is: have you actually made a game? That is a absolutely ridiculous position. Since I have never made a movie, I can't blast Avatar?... So, Jeff has made the decision to stop making those games anymore, and move onto games that are merely obscenly immense, instead of criminally immense. He has tailored his games not to cater to the forumgoers, who represent a disproportionate segment of Jeff's actual customers, but the customers themselves, which leaves quite a few of you feeling shorted, to say the least. It isn't a ridiculous position, and I'll explain why I hold it, but I also agree with you in part. Criticism is important and necessary. The problem is that there is no such thing as truly objective criticism... every critic has his own vantage point. And that's fine, it's a legitimate one, but the artist always has a vantage point too. GOOD criticism -- like good art -- is one hundred percent about bridging the gap between the artist's vantage point, and the audience's. This requires understanding and accepting (1) what will work for the audience, and (2) where the artist is coming from. A lot of literary and music criticism in particular fails on the second count (pitchfork, I have a special set of curse words reserved for you), and this is very dangerous because it tries to squish the creative piece of art (yes, I am counting individually crafted video games as art in their way) and turn it into something min-maxed in a very ugly way. Lit crit is my definition of evil. Poor criticism is like Vogon poetry. On the other hand, decay can occur in the other direction as I think it has with SW, or with Dickens' writing when he did all those serials -- when the focus is on word count and profit, the artist can lose track of (2) himself. Exile, Exile 2, Nethergate, and Geneforge were all full of Jeff. None of his other games have lived up to this in quite the same way.
  23. Yeah, it's not ironic when it's intentional.
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