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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. What I mean is that GF loads parameters from those files when it starts up. So you aren't just editing one saved game, or one particular occurance of an item -- you're editing every occurance of that item ever. Similarly, it is possible to make the game crash with certain invalid values. So edit a backup. Common sense really.
  2. There is not a guide, although there may be advice scattered throughout this message board. There are three files you will want to look at in the scripts folder, which should begin "gf1" or "g3" or something like that. the items/chars one is the one you want. Most of the entries are pretty self-explanatory, just find the one for the item you want to edit, find the attribute that looks like it affects ability power, and change it. And for the love of god, do this on a complete copy of the game folder, as it affects the whole application.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: This one is hard, but doable if you are prepared. This is true of almost any level of difficulty you can find in a turn-based game, though. It's particularly inevitable in Jeff's games not directly because of the business model but because his games are sidequest-heavy. On the other hand, the difficulty level setting is an unusual feature that helps a lot. Torment is usually challenging -- at least until you break the system by making seven levelled-up Vlish or whatever. In any game, if you are an experienced player adept at finding ways to turn the rules to your advantage, the only way to continue being challenged is to impose your own outside restrictions on what you can do. Hence the "single character challenges" and "low level challenges" that float around the net for console RPGs. Try playing any Geneforge as a Shaper-type who doesn't shape. Or try playing with stealth and avoiding *all* XP, not just from combat, only completing the quests that are absolutely necessary to continue the storyline. That could be very difficult.
  4. Clearly Salmon will die of food poisoning from tainted spam.
  5. That was a fake screenshot, edited I assume by Drakey, the evil infidel who spurs on the venomous plots of the Vahnatai Creationists.
  6. Rox0rs. Incidentally, can I say how glad I am to finally, finally, for the first time since 1997, to have totally escaped from the tyrrany of Geneva 10 Bold?
  7. The trick with the vampire is to have a bunch of creations that hit things easily, and then equip the Magic Blessed Spawnerskin Torc of Incantatorialistic Burning Wizardry, so you get the HP bonus from your creations. As a side note this finally makes it worthwhile to invest in Endurance, at least when it's cheap. Has anyone found a use for the Ring of Ma'Ruf that's hidden in Learned Darian's toilet yet?
  8. Quote: Originally written by Nioca: Not in GF1. You only need one level to summon any creation in the game. That certainly isn't true, whether you are talking about levels of Create X skills or the general Shaping skills.
  9. Hey, how do I get past that super-powered magical barrier in the Vahnatai cave?
  10. You need at least 4 points in Animal Husbandry AND several extra points in the appropriate shaping skill at the time you shape a creation you want to use in breeding. Otherwise, they won't be made capable of it. I recommend breeding Ornks so you can get an Oozebeast or a Nine-Headed Ornk! Note however that breeding is in violation of Shaper law and will change your dialogue options in a few places. You can get around this by using Learned Darian.
  11. Err, my bad. I didn't realize you were talking about a user on the boards. Whoops!
  12. Quote: Originally written by S is for Synergy: Slartucker is working out the math right now how much Brain Dexterity affects Digit Coordination and Dumb Luck also required to open the door. For the last time Synergy, Dumb Luck doesn't affect opening doors unless the doors were not given 2 points of Intelligence. And Brain Dexterity is always a worse value than Digit Coordination -- by the time the math is about to favor Brain Dexterity, the 10-cap kicks in. The bonus from the Gazerskin Knickers is still useful, although I prefer the Quicksilver Thong in general.
  13. Quote: Originally written by -X-: Exiled Necromancer gets a "Plm" point due to his unimaginative name and inability to use actual English. Given that your name appears quite similar to his, you think you would know that 'X' is not a necromancer!
  14. Everyone will tell you something different, no doubt. I'll suggest Nephil's Gambit, which has by far the most interesting and believable story of any scenario I've ever seen. The story is well-delivered, and the gameplay and writing are both solid, full of wonderful details. Also, it's one of exactly two scenarios I've seen (and the only one for BoE) that build on the world of Exile in a way that makes any sense whatsoever. I can't recommend it enough.
  15. As long as the clawbugs don't look like chitrachs
  16. Nah, I've been busy. Light drinkers would be well advised to stay away from today's menu item. -- Artequila
  17. Nope, stun resistance is based on Strength. Luck will also contribute a little. And Alorael is right -- Intelligence does not contribute to spell strength at all. (In Exile, it was the ONLY thing that contributed to it, but that has changed.)
  18. I guess that means I'm going to have to name my character Tim.
  19. It's hard to balance a set of things where each thing has a unique effect. It's also usually better for a game to have some underpowered stuff than some broken stuff. Most designers of computer RPGs don't have the time to focus on perfectly balancing every spell, since so many things demand a designer's attention. So, some spells will always tend to be useless. I can think of a few games where this isn't the case, but they are all games that had a small number of spells (Dragon Warrior had 10, for example, only 6 of which were combat spells).
  20. It's hard to balance a set of things where each thing has a unique effect. It's also usually better for a game to have some underpowered stuff than some broken stuff. Most designers of computer RPGs don't have the time to focus on perfectly balancing every spell, since so many things demand a designer's attention. So, some spells will always tend to be useless. I can think of a few games where this isn't the case, but they are all games that had a small number of spells (Dragon Warrior had 10, for example, only 6 of which were combat spells).
  21. There are a number of people who refer to each item. Off the top of my head, Demonslayer is referred to by Efram and Anastasia in Silvar, Boutell in Fort Draco (I think), Solberg, Patrick, Micah, probably Rone and some other folk. The Orb of Thralni is definitely referred to by people in the Castle (where it was stolen from) and Fort Remote, and probably others as well.
  22. Did you say chapter 2? That, too, makes me happy. Having chapter divisions has been as good an indicator of a great Spiderweb game as anything else. (See: Exile 2, Nethergate)
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