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Warrior Mage

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Posts posted by Warrior Mage

  1. Thank you for the tutorial, Dintiradan. I tried to go into that through your post in another forum and showed some errors. I will work on my small scenario based on your concepts and then reply. This was what I mainly insisted in this forum (learning with examples is easier). If this post was not here, it would have a lot sucked for me to proceed further. I am now slightly more confident about my first tiny successful scenario. 

  2. Hello everyone. Today I got negative results. I tried to place a terrain script on a box at the same way in docs and the script was mainly to trigger a message_dialog() call under SEARCH_STATE(). I placed the following code that included INIT_STATE() [but the game told that there was no state 0] and also confirmed that I placed semicolons (as I received messages that semicolons were missing).





    beginstate INIT_STATE();


    beginstate START_STATE();


    beginstate SEARCH_STATE();

     message_dialog("This box contains the donated coins.","");



    I also tried to use EXIT_STATE() call but it was unsuccessful.

  3. Hello everyone! Today I am very happy with my proceedings. I have removed all the errors from my scenario and also successfully made a character to talk with a reasonable amounts of dialog.


    But, still I face a problem. I cannot place outdoor wandering encounters. I can designate but cannot choose exact location of those monsters. Please try to help me as the 1st spawn point option is not clearer to me. Monsters appear suddendly if I go near the point that too only sometimes. Clearly explain please about placing outdoor wandering monsters.

  4. Hey! Thank you, Celtic Minstrel. That was successful and no error was appearing. But I found another error in the game with the following script:


    beginstate INIT_STATE;
    set_name(20, "Chief Guard"); // ID 114
    set_level(18, 40);
    message_dialog("Welcome to my town!" , "");
    beginstate EXIT_STATE;
    message_dialog("There is nothing useful in there.","");


    It says that the state is not completed right in line 17,(I also started wonder there is no line 17 in it). I also did not get the message below exit state. Please consider these problems and help me. I am showing good progress(or that's what I think). 

  5. Voila! I am now successful in setting the name and displaying the message. It did not work as I had done a simple fault. Forgot to set the script name in the town details which I found after referring to a site.


    But, there are still problems. I receive errors as state -2 not found and also as creature script bad header as soon as I entered the town. And also, I found an error trying to talk to CHIEF GUARD (which I mentioned above) instead of Talking: It doesn't respond.


    Please try to solve my problems, partners.

  6. Hi everyone. I have attempted what you told into my script, Kelandon. But it had a 0% of working. I don't know why. I have saved my script for that particular town named "Town" as t1town.txt (as t0 is warrior's grove) in ....../Blades of Avernum/Blades of Avernum Scenarios/Game (my scenario folder name) and also in data folder. But whatever I do is not working. Please give me an idea.

  7. Kelandon, First of all thank you for your reply. I have downloaded the scenario workshop you mentioned and also read the cookbook PDF. The cookbook is a better resource of all and it was meaningful, but I find it difficult at some places with a lot of confusion especially at those scripting examples which was not proper with why a code is being used, in what txt name and where we have to save it and use of those parantheses and numbers seems to be undefined at some places. I hope you and the community would help in me in clearing my daily queries.

    Please try to clear the queries I already mentioned above in this post as I am very willing to edit a scenario.

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