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Necris Omega

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Everything posted by Necris Omega

  1. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: So back the original question, now. Have I established well enough that sliths have been in Avernum since before humans? Because that's a pretty fundamental assumption to my scenario for BoA. Well there is always the argument for the enigmatic ancient crypt that vastly predates the First Visitation near the tunnels of Motrax that strongly suggests otherwise... Okay, that was bad. Valid, but bad. Makes me wonder though... The Crypt was a unique addition to the Avernum series not found in Exile and that something human could be -that- old really throws everything off. I can't help but wonder in the very back of my mind if Jeff doesn't do that purposely. He lets conjecture build up about his world and the trivia therein, then changes everything in the next release and laughs at the confusion it causes. Oh well, gotta get your kicks somehow. ---Your historical maniac, Necris Omega
  2. Quote: Originally written by Daedalus: Did the Sliths & the Vahnatai ever war in Lower Avernum? You'd think so given they have throughout the Avernum series shown to be... somewhat violent. Given that in Avernum 2 the Vahnatai in were altogether as knowing of the existence of the Slithzerkai as they were the humans... I'd think not. As to the war thing, well the whole reason there were Slithzerkai in Avernum (or the human lands called Avernum) were that they (or at least their said ancestors lead by Sss-thoss) were too violent for the mainstream culture so I would think that the heading of Slithzerkai civilization wouldn't be that violent at all. That and the Sliths in Gnass state that Sss-Thoss had worshipped a "dark god" (I am assuming this is Grah-Hoth like Sss-Thsss) and that the true Slithzerkai Gods were peaceful. It is also plausible to think that advanced creatures like the "Deep" Slithzerkai (for all we know the Slithzerkai in their home might be even more advanced than the Vahnatai) would be far less prone to war than a group of freezing, starving, unintelligent, daemon worshipping barbarians at least. ---Your Slith maniac, Necris Omega EDIT: Yeah, late on account of Aloraelity, but I fail to care
  3. I would like the blasted "Make inactive" option to work. When in combat it just randomly shuts off, thus completely defeating -any- point of it whatsoever. I might actually use the outside creatures for pick up if they would listen when you tell them not to go running off to certain death. And why the AI always on? If they agree to serve you then why aren't they serving you? They just follow you around and more often then not get you into annoying situations. Sounds more like a sibling then a loyal servant to me. The Gazers should be nerfed too. I understand they're powerful, but general law of RPGs show that a concentrated blast should always do more damage than a mass attack when on equal levels. Namely, switch the damage done by the Drakon and the Gazer. It would make the Gazer a world less of cheap and make the Drakon worth noticing. Also, maybe in the next one make more use of the map revelation sequence? It was neat how the map was only limited to the tiny corner in the very beginning as to what you were able to see from that point. And as always, I'd like to reaffirm the item placement complaint most people have had since the Avernum series. Haphazardly dropping your items randomly on the ground is sloppy plain and simple. Realistically, no slob is going to be able to save the world from- or induce upon it- certain destruction. ---Your $0.02 giving maniac, Necris Omega
  4. My biggest wish for BoA - that the New Scenario released by Jeff goes more into the details of the planet/the Empire's history/something significant to the Avernum universe. Like Za-kazi run- sure, it's deemed by many to be the worst thing Jeff has ever released professionally, but it goes into the post-Avernum 3 state of Avernum. Namely, the Second Slith War. Sure, the Fourth Scenario will be chalked full of uniquely BoA features, but seeing something important happen or revealed would be nice. Your BoA anticipating maniac, Necris Omega
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