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In Half Now

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Posts posted by In Half Now

  1. (*waves for everyone, by the way*)


    SoT, it really sounds like to me this whole original fiction vs fanfiction matter you're wondering is because you place them on different intrinsic value levels, where original starts at the top, and fanfiction a step or few lower. And that the trouble of seeing any worth in writing fanfiction is because you see it automatically as 'lesser' than that of original - regardless if it's actually better written or not. Or that because it's on a lesser step, it automatically cannot be as good. But it's perfectly likely that there are terrible books (well, in anyone's personal viewpoint, obviously), and great fanfic stories. And vice versa. I really don't get this line of thought my self, because it's very far removed form what I feel about stories, in that I place them on different value levels depending on how much I'm entertained by them, regardless of whether they're original, or fanfiction. But it does make me kind of understand what you mean by writing under a ceiling. I just don't agree with it, because the reasons for it aren't meaningful enough to me.


    About another thing you said.

    I feel that more people who spend hours writing fanfiction could spend at least a few more of those hours also writing from scratch. Start with your own blank canvas, step out on stage, swim out from shore: you can do it.

    This sounds super patronising. :( Who said they're not writing original fiction? And that still doesn't mean there's anything wrong with writing fanfiction, for every valid reason others have said here! (and with which all I very much agree.) You did say you're a perfectionist, but you're smart, you know people are different. And I don't see why anyone should be judged as trying less when they're doing what they want to do, for whatever reason.


    Hmm. Automatically, anyway. If the writing is terrible, then I think I can judge them a bit. But if it doesn't... *shrug*

  2. I'm a bit late to the topic, but that's hardly anything new... I do think I have to add something to the fanfiction discussion. One very important detail that none of you seemed to have realized could use mentioning which is that: some people write fanfiction because they enjoy it. For some the mainpoint isn't getting readers, or reviews, or connecting with others or anything, except the story itself. They write stories because it's fun. Like actually, really, plain good old fun. Not practice or something they just do on the side until they get to the "real" thing, the "proper" thing, the "generally accepted" thing, where it's only real if you do it the right way and get money. Maybe I'm spoilt from having found many authors who just write whatever they want because they love writing (whatever they're writing, fanfic or original) and they do it well.


    Another thing was that incomplete form of writing, because of less creative work? I honestly don't understand how someone might think that. Because the characters are pre-established doesn't mean the author hasn't had to think about how they work - how they would act in a certain scene, or how they would feel about something, or what their motivations are. And really, that action of having to think about what a character is like is THE EXACT SAME PROCESS as what they would have to do with original characters. There's a story to draw from for sure, but they will still have to think and read between the lines to get a handle on a character. It's not given automatically anywhere. (except maybe in wikis, but I'd say those are still reader offered perspectives, rather than word of god sort of things.) And depending on the story format the world someone wants to use isn't necessarily all too specifically defined - there's still lots of playground to imagine how things could work. Again, same process as one would have to do with original fiction. But what, it doesn't count because someone else named the characters first?

    Honestly. Don't really understand. The creative spirit is present whatever is being written. (not taking into account crappy fanfictions so much and we all know there's plenty of that... but it also doesn't mean that's all there is.)


    Mostly I feel baffled, though. I've been sort of hanging around a lot of authors who, like I said, just enjoy writing for its own sake, and the usual message I've seen from them is that... Welp. Eff 'should'. Be a pirate. Do what you want. And if you want to write a story that's fanfiction? Do it. Enjoy it. And they do! They just... write and fricking love writing. It really can be that simple too! That's literally all of it. Being baffled is sort of my own fault though, I suppose. I've gotten so used to reading their thoughts that I forgot not everyone gets that.


    Also. I'm one of them. I write fanfiction, you guys. And I love it! Because I love writing more than anything else in the world. Stories make my soul feel warm and happy. And also? None of the stories I've written in the last few years are online - in any form. (includes both fanfic and orig, so...) I don't have any particular intentions putting them online. It's not the point, you see? All I wanted was to write them, and then read them, and I've done that. It's perfect and I need nothing more. You don't get to say it's not real enough or good enough or anything, because it's not up to you to decide what's proper enough writing and what isn't. Only stories matter, and I've got them. Arrrr!


    Also also... I'm writing an Assassin's Creed fanfic for Nanowrimo this year. :) I'm well ahead with words, but we've got four countries as opponents this year and we mean to beat all of them. Germany's one of them. (We're winning. Guess you shoulda taken part afterall, huh, Aran? Too late now! :p )

  3. New forums look cool so far. Would love to find somewhere to adjust the amount of posts it shows on one page, but the most imporatnt thing is actually avatars. Must find out size limitations. How else will I know what to make them? It says max size is 200, but that gets shrunk. In profile it's showing 138, but that can be different beside actual posts, so...


    Unless there is a forum specific faq somewhere that I've missed where these things are readily spelled out.


    ed: aha, okay, yeah, max size for next to posts is 90. That's cool. It's not so bad, because it doesn't stretch smaller images bigger like some sites do.

  4. Okay, even if this takes a long time to happen it is really going to put my awesome turtle drawing to waste. Has anyone heard of Goggles? I didn't want to spoil it, but it must go down in history.


    Might be too far right if your monitor's not wide enough, though, maybe? :|

  5. Got them online again, although some pages may not work. I'm not sure why, there was no problem previously and the files haven't changed while they were offline. (the only one I noticed is the misc. page where I pretty much just had the quotes from creatures on the title screen.)


    Anyway, anew the link please. Probably a good time to update the map link on the third game as well and actually add it to the second.






    (on a personal note, I really dislike the url, but with free hosting.. what can you do?)

  6. Ah, no. It wasn't the lack of rewards (there was improvement and I was happy about that), or that the workouts felt too difficult (they were challenging in a good way, completely possible to do). Some things out of my control are just in the way and until situation improves this is something I can't really do. I intend to try again at a later date, hopefully. My quest for better fitness must continue in other manner in the meantime. Thank you for asking in any case. smile

  7. Yesterday passed sort of in a haze so I did week 2's day 1 today. Had to wait longer in between, but got to the end anyway. Almost felt satisfied about that, but so far this has been a pretty bad day. :\ Oh well.

  8. Hm, the word choice of "I'll be put" sounds interesting. Who is doing the putting? smile


    Finished week 1 happily myself. I've been doing column 2 and managing well, but I neglected to mention I was doing them on my knees. I haven't been able to do a full one for years, though I've never tried one with warming up beforehand. Still, I weigh quite a bit and I don't really have much muscles to speak of. But I'll certainly try if I can do one at all after week 2, it'd be quite nice if I managed even one.

  9. I thought everyone knew not to take internet personality tests seriously? They are fun though. I like doing them just to see what I get, even if ultimately they tell me fairly little about myself. Although this time I'll pass as I've taken that test three or four times now and the results don't vary much. Quick recap through my saved files reveals: ISFJ, ISTJ, and the last one is INTJ. 'Nurturer', 'Duty fulfiller' and 'Mastermind', respectively.


    Those aside: have we ever had a topic about personalDNAs? I can't remember whether it was through here or some other site I did that one. I thought it was slightly more interesting - or at least more colourful than the Myers-Briggs.

  10. I meant to join in with this in some manner, but I misunderstood something and made muffins instead. But there were a full set of twenty of them though, that's gotta be good for something.

  11. I think I'll take part, though I'll probably be looking for the books in Finnish. Mostly because that just makes finding them a much greater possibility. I need more books to read in any case.

  12. I've had my standard writing program's font set to Verdana for years. It works and I'm satisfied I don't need to think about fonts.


    For various graphic design things thinking about fonts actually gets interesting, of course.

  13. It's not so bad; the files are all of course safe and sound on my computer. It's just that the space for them is gone. The service got terminated a day or two ago and it took me a while to remember about my site. My mind was mostly grieving the many emails I'd always meant to save backups of (but never got around to) from my old email account.


    So basically I'm just taking a longer moment to be vaguely sad before I start looking for a new host for all of the stuff. I'll just throw a message here when it's time to change the links. smile




    Come to think of it... Maybe this is finally that chance to overhaul all the code in my outdated pages? Hmm!

  14. The program we use at work is IE based - you can't actually use it on an another browser. Actually, there's two programs, but the other one usually works okay in Firefox. But yeah I usually have to have both browsers on, because both programs are needed. I could use just IE, but... :|


    At home I'm still using this old Windows PC, so IE is ... around. I prefer Firefox though. And for some reason my brother once installed Opera here and I've never gotten around to uninstalling it.

  15. Well... <_<





    That said, the only public nuisance I remember (who hasn't been mentioned I'm sure) is Ghost. Although he was more of an immature spammer and got canned at some point. I don't think banned? I think he was mostly a presence in one of Avernum's forums, or possibly the first trilogy. But he wasn't very notable I'm sure. Just another kid.


    Also, Stughalf. Joined sometime in middle era and I know he went quite well with Desp crowd.

  16. I don't think most of us Finns have ever been quite as notorious as we've sometimes been claimed to be. Apart from TGM and Milu the rest of us have been quite general posters. I'm not even sure how much of a presence Arctic was - Khoth probably remembers better considering he was actually there.

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