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In Half Now

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Posts posted by In Half Now

  1. It's strange how both A2 and GF2's resources are somewhat ignored in the links above. There are sites, but nobody knows about them. Why all the mystery?


    That said, somebody go nudge someone so they'll add that editor in the links. Darn them.


    EDIT: No.. I was wrong about A2, sorry. Just GF2 then. That's not much of a conspiracy, though. :\ Maybe some links should get conveniently.. erased...


    Well, no, not really. Did anyone ever finish the item editor for GF2? I don't recall that being done. I'd waste some time for it, but uh... I'm going away for the weekend. I'll give a lovely netcookie to anyone who does, though. And chocolate.

  2. You know, I'm pretty sure I did everything that needed to be done, but I still didn't get the option to get the reinforcements. I ended up modifying the scripts a bit to change some SDFs (well, just one) and managed to get the quest to the end. But I did kill every bad guy anywhere near there, I double checked. I thought it might have been that I'd already chosen some option that closed another one that I would've needed to get. Anyway. I wonder what that SDF was...

  3. I like! Now all the underground and above ground levels are all that we need. Everything must be mapped. Perhaps not so much out of need, but because it's standard. Not that it wouldn't be useful, of course.

  4. I like! Now all the underground and above ground levels are all that we need. Everything must be mapped. Perhaps not so much out of need, but because it's standard. Not that it wouldn't be useful, of course.

  5. There is at least for the first one. I'm not sure about the third; might be. Seems like everyone's out to make some kind of editor for it. But when you can use an editor to give yourself much money to buy anything you don't particularly need an item editor, and if you need just one certain item, there isn't need for a whole editor, you'd just tweak the script a tiny bit to give that one item to yourself.

  6. There's more than enough different editors for both games. Some good, some incredibly overdone, but somehow I feel you won't mind that. Just look at the links in the top of the forums of those games. The second one may not have linked the editors, but then you should do a search in GF2 forums for an editor. You'll find what you want.

  7. They're just.. rocks. You know, you pick them up from ground and admire them, just like in real life. The garbage isn't good for anything else either. They're just items for atmosphere. Ignore them. :\


    EDIT: Well, except for that one rock which you need to open the doors to.. Shaper Crypt, was it? I forget the names. Someone enlighten us on that part.

  8. Quote:
    Originally written by ef:
    Always so much else to do *sigh*, but you are right. How about you nudge me and I nudge you? And we both complete our sites? wink
    Oh, I, er... would love to, but I'm afraid I have so much to do, so much school to do in fact, that I should hardly find any time to even be on the computer, honestly. :p

    But who knows what'll happen in a couple of months?
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