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Posts posted by BrTarolg

  1. If you leave Erika's Tower and use the Orb of Thralni to fly across the river, it's possible to find an area with lots of lava and monsters. Reach the very end of that area, and you'll see an "EasTer Egg" message pop up in the transcript window. After that, go back to the Tower of Magi portal: there's an invisible option in the upper right corner of the coordinate selection dialogue. Click on it to travel to a small bonus dungeon.


    Who is miranda cordelia?

  2. Here's a screen shot with all four quest books highlighted. The ones in orange are the indices that must be read before you can access the books in red.




    Dikiyoba recommends you recheck the indices first and then try the red books again. If you do that but still can't read one of the red books, then you may have a weird bug.


    Oh so there were FOUR books...




    Thanks for the help guys lol

  3. I don't think you are bugged, but you may have not clicked on the right book.


    Upper Level:

    NE Index Chamber B - Location of map to Teleportation portal

    SE Index Chamber A - Location of ritual to Teleportation portal


    S stairs to ritual room


    Lower Level:

    C go through north magical barrier to stairs up to map room


    I've read all three books :(


    Not sure what's going on


    Maybe i already have the ritual and i don't know it?

  4. There are two different spots in the Archives where the index tells you information. One if for the ritual and the other tells you the location. You need to go to the other index to read the ritual book.


    So... i ended up reading both books (i've read all the books in the empire archives now, multiple times..)


    I'm still getting the "it could take months to find and decipher one useful to you" message


    Am i bugged?

  5. So uhm, i cleared out the empire archives


    I read the book that describes the location of the teleporter ritual (on the NE side)


    Then i went downstairs to the "ritual book" and it kept giving me the "without knowledge of what you're looking for it could take forever to find"


    Am i bugged out or something here? Or have i done something in the wrong order?

  6. jees..


    the point is - ANYONE can be hit by bind foe lvl 1. anything in the entire game.


    however, there are ALOT of creatures which are resistant to paralysis or sleep.


    actually, i was quite weak at the time - so i had becca <damn supercharacter> whack on gharzad whilst i spammed bind foe using my other 3 characters on everything else <i also summoned a couple rakshasha and hakaai>


    basically - if you are fighting a so called "boss" - like athron - then all you need to do is cast bind foe lvl 1 and shes dead

    you cant use bind for lvl 2-3 to kill her.

  7. tbh, i prefer the avernum engine.


    well ok - the geneforge graphics and whatnot im not too worried about.


    graphics never REALLY bothered me -


    however things like clicking on the ground to move, no longer being able to type "m-a-a" and being able to do multiple targeting with lightning is slightly stranger.


    i would like more powerful summons in the next game, and a return of the "avernum feel" - the new graphics are alright really. ive grown to be ok with them.

  8. soul crystals were great! i loved summoning hakaai and rakshasha


    though it did puzzle me a bit -


    in A2 when you did arcane summon, you summoned first a vampire, then a demon, then an eyebeast

    i found that even though eyebeast is lvl 3, it is weakest of the lot :-/

  9. yes i AM playing a 4 person party atm....


    consisting of one tank, and 2 mages <and one priest>


    anyways ive found that most summons are ofc.. useless.


    however, have also found, that shades are extremely useful. in big fights, or "boss fights" - when hasted, blessed, protected etc. <things you should ALWAYS have before boss fights> - they deal on average 40-50 damage per turn each, and double curse - aswell as tank - and are immune to those damn freezing particles that many bosses cast.


    not only that, greater shades are REALLY strong, and have a HIGH to hit percentage.


    although they not may seem much - against nicoduas <zomgz impossible battle> - i didnt use a single potion during that battle <cept for a few energy potions - no invuln potions though> - before i got into the "hes about to cast a spell" - i summoned 8 shades <4 of which were greater shades> and then mass haste - bless etc. - through all previous metheods i didnt stand a chance against him, but this time i outright killed him before he even cast his demon spell shocked


    does anyone else use shades?

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