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Posts posted by Edgwyn

  1. I remember learning variations of Kings Play Chess on Fat Girls Stomachs for taxonomy (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genius, Species) and My Very Elegant Mother Just Ate Nine Pies for the traditional 9 planets of the solar system. What's nu, c over lambda for the relationship of frequency to wave length. Roy G. Biv for the colors of the visible light spectrum. Knuckle method for the number of days in a month and the 30 days have September rhyme for the same thing.

  2. I always liked the flexibility in having six. Your characters can be more diverse then, as long as there are enough good/effective builds. Of course a big part of this is nostalgia, as most of the CRPGs that I grew up playing had six. I think that six or at least five would be quite enjoyable in Avadon where there are five distinct character classes. While A:EftP essentially has only three character classes with the ability to play different races in the later games, you could easily have distinct characters. I do not find role playing the additional characters hard as long as there is enough distinction in the characters which is not a problem in Avadon and can easily be done in A:EftP by not going for the Min/Max approach.

  3. There was a poll about junk items a little while ago and the majority of respondents liked having the junk items. There is a topic in Avadon 2 about changes to the game and a lot of it is contradictory because for almost every feature that someone hates, someone else likes it. I would be happy to be able to jump right back to Avadon, though it was only in Castle Vebeaux that I found it incredibly annoying. There are some improvements to traveling between maps in Avadon 2 that make it a lot better as far as I am concerned, though not as simple as having a button to send you back.

  4. SoT, someone could possibly build an algorithm for the drifting piece. Something along the lines of finding key words in the first post and topic and then rating how many or how few of those key words or their synonyms and antonyms are used in subsequent posts. Obviously that would not work as well on short posts and then would possibly fall off again on long posts, but it could provide a rough estimate of relevance. Interest as you said would be hard to measure, since a fair number of people read all of the posts. You could beef up the likes system so that every reader rated every post, but who wants to rate every post?

  5. Every so often I try to forget what a Reynolds number is and am normally quite successful until I have some reason to study fluid dynamics again. Unfortunately people bring it up in the strangest posts and I have to relive those moments of pain. I much prefer electrons through copper than fluid through a tube.

  6. That is my understanding, yes. You need to play the whole way through on hard to win the medal for hard and all the way through on torment to win the medal for torment (The "secret" medals). For the Full of Hot Air medal, it might be possible to turn onto hard before entering the map, fight and win and then turn back to normal later, but I am not sure.

  7. From a business perspective, I believe the forums are fulfilling their purpose (why Jeff pays the fee) in that it is an easy place for people to find information, help and hints on his games in a family friendly environment. It will of course only serve that purpose as long as critical ones of you find it interesting, which lack of traffic could certainly threaten.


    I am of course a newb, but I think that somewhere there is a wavy grey line that the thread on "Appreciation of Literature" did not cross and the highjacking of the "What do I do about this girl at work" did cross. The trick is of course how to have the emotionally interesting topics without crossing the line.

  8. I read it like Iffy and was expecting something like the recent Nephilim vs Nethar posts. That said, right now I prefer the Sliths, but it has been a very long time since I have played Exile 2 or BofA in order to compare them as allies versus opponents.

  9. I logged on tonight and saw what happened to "What do I do about this girl at work" before Sylae did the right thing and put it out of its misery. I now better understand how people could get really high post counts in a short period of time. Of course I am now also much happier with my current rate of around 3-4 a week and the fact that like Darth Ernie real life gets in the way of being on line during post battles.

  10. In any case, I am not sure that the objective is to make you feel that you did something wrong. Ultimately Castor Oil was a nasty dude who needed killing. Unfortunately, there was not a way to get it done without a lot of collateral damage that will end up including a bunch of innocent men, women and children when their neighbors who are only slightly less nasty dudes than Castor Oil get done with the situation. To me, the objective is to see that even doing what is right can cause a lot of suffering and that not every mission is going to end with happily ever after.


    Avadon and the Pact just go in, kill the problem and then leave. The other option is to go in, kill the problem, occupy and defend the place, install a new leader and see what happens. This takes a lot more resources and the locals tend not to be any more grateful than if you had just let them all get slaughtered by their neighbors in the first place.

  11. —Alorael, who isn't sure not having a girlfriend is really dodging a bullet. Nice for you if you don't want one, but plenty of people do. And unlike bullets, girlfriends are pretty easy to not have. Why, well over half of all humans have no girlfriends or wives!


    Based on my biases: dodging bullet = good thing, dodging girlfriend = less fun. Of course with the second sentence I prefer having both a girl friend and bullets.

  12. As SoT said, College is a great time for pairing up, but it is not the only time. Most of my friends and I did not marry our high school or college sweethearts, we married people we met a little bit later. Out of college, there is a lot more variety, it is just a matter of finding someone as you are no longer being pushed into a situation with a lot of single people your own age. Hobbies and activities are a great way to meet people. Also, many (though not all) of the people who are past college age have reached a level of emotional maturity that makes dating simpler, even if their life is more complicated.

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