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I've had a little trouble with some of the sidequests.

I. One of the scavenger hunt clues says "the summit of the holy mountain is not at the shrine but higher and to the north". Ive checked both Mt. Urlak (the one with the portal shrine) and the Volcano but I didnt find a clue.

II. I cant get the golden unicorn horn. Do I have to go on a certain day?

III. I cant find the viagra. Any hints?


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1. I'll check up on this one as I don't quite remember where I went to get to it. EDIT: Have you tried the Magestica prison? A bit higher than the temple below and a bit to the north.


2. The golden unicorn in the hunting grounds is part of a special group...you have to activate the node for it to appear. Otherwise, I believe there are plenty other golden unicorns in the game roaming around somewhere...


3. No viagra in the game. You can get "vigara" though if you talk to the right people. Read the spoiler below if you want to know how.


*spoiler* Some people will refuse to talk to you for some reasons...like one of the people in the sailor town (forgot it's name). Ask him about the black market and you should know what to do from there.

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1. You'll have to fly into the mountains, north of Odashai's Shrine.


2. You'll need to fully explore the Hunting Grounds to set a flag that will cause the Golden Unicorn to appear the next time you enter. To be specific, you need to walk along the south shore of the lake as far as you can.


3. Frank Twinsen in Liberty will mention the black market. Asking him about it will give you all the names of the people who deal in it. Including one who sells Vigara.

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You can't finish the quest until you find Shamus. That won't happen until near the end of part 2. For now, just continue doing quests for the newspaper, the guardians, or Erasmus (depending on where you are).


Desert Plah...


Yes, Twinsen gives you just one name. But that evetually leads to learning who they all are.

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what place of learning has neither books nor teachers and has something that flies from a pole?
If the Magestica Prison isn't the answer to that question...then what clue gives it to be there? I know I picked something up in that place.

To DB, it does sound a lot like the Magestica prison, since it is 'learning,' doesn't have any sort of entertainment, and has electricity that shocks you from a pole if you try to get out.
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That's what I figured when I first read the note, but I couldn't find it after searching everything. I guess I'll try again though.


Also, how do I get through the Kuntalass hideout? I always get trapped in the part where the portcullises close and archers murder you. Are singletons not supposed to play?

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In the ruined water city, I can't find two of the 5 gold points, or get to the book past the cracked floor. I've searched the whole city. Is there another level? Also what do i do for the demon quest? I talked to the necromancer who tells you about it but I cant really figure out what to DO. I went to the second level but all I found were some pools of water I couldn't do anything with.

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Hrm, I really seem to suck at this scavenger hunt. What is the island outpost where Odashai (I'm assuming, although it could be some other ascended person) can be seen everywhere but is a bit stiff? I thought it was the statue at Urlek, but that's not an island and I couldn't find it anywhere in the shrine anyway.

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Originally written by Xyra:
In the ruined water city, I can't find two of the 5 gold points, or get to the book past the cracked floor. I've searched the whole city. Is there another level? Also what do i do for the demon quest? I talked to the necromancer who tells you about it but I cant really figure out what to DO. I went to the second level but all I found were some pools of water I couldn't do anything with.
5 gold points: Just keep looking, they should be around somewhere.

The book: There should be a cracked floor near the one that's blocking you from the book, step on that one. It will take you down to a basement, and then you can go upstairs again to get to the book, then you can go downstairs again and climb up where you fell in. It goes something like that, I'm not sure, but I do know you have to step on a crack and fall into a basement.

Demon: Pools of water? I must have missed the rest of that level, I haven't done all the pt. 2 sidequests yet (because I refuse to use the editor to refuel my party in the Kuntalass hideout.) Anyway, you've got to just leave that for the moment, and eventually, in another town, you'll find a book on demon summoning. The point of this quest is to summon the demon and kill it. I believe the book tells you that a huge pentagram is needed. Finding one shouldn't be to hard…(BTW, I haven't actually done this quest yet.)
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Originally written by Desert Pl@h:
Demon: Pools of water? I must have missed the rest of that level, I haven't done all the pt. 2 sidequests yet (because I refuse to use the editor to refuel my party in the Kuntalass hideout.) Anyway, you've got to just leave that for the moment, and eventually, in another town, you'll find a book on demon summoning. The point of this quest is to summon the demon and kill it. I believe the book tells you that a huge pentagram is needed. Finding one shouldn't be to hard…(BTW, I haven't actually done this quest yet.)
I think you need the wand of freezing to get past the pools, and you'll receive that in Volton's new dungeon complex. I never figured out how to get past the big pool of water later on in that level because the wand didn't work there. Now that I think about it, how was I supposed to get past the big pool?
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Thank you very much smile

Some more questions: Where can I find something than can cut through a hydra egg? I can't remember if anyone has mentioned anything like that and the idea of visiting every town doesn't really appeal to me.

And what am I supposed to do with the barrels and pressure plates in the shrine in that town that used to belong to the lich? The only thing I could think of was to push the barrels to the plates but nothing happened.

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