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About DarcWynd021

  • Birthday 08/27/1981

DarcWynd021's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. i don't care about tables, but putting things in dressers and chests would be nice
  2. i've always thought of sulfras as female. i get the idea that she closely resembles a female red dragon from d&d
  3. i like the quick action items. its pretty cool to set your wands and gems and pods up for easy use. i also like the islands' system
  4. i think the separation lends itslf better to the story; i mean how big can an island really be. all of the games have taken place on islands right? so i think jeff was craming just a little too much onto a single island. this way it allows for natural breaks in the storyline.
  5. i like greta, as she has a good mix of melee and fire support. plus I don't like how snobbish alwan is
  6. i have a large list of item numbers for those of you working on editors, if you would like it please feel free to email me.
  7. i've found that super high level clawbugs can poison them a little, if you have extra slots try throwing a couple bugs at 'em, use 'em as shields for the alphas
  8. you can get a shaped blade, so you could perfect it; anybody find a way to make something awesome out of it?
  9. i have a partial list of item hex codes, including the artifacts and most of the individual enhancement items if someone wants it for the faqs or for an editor email me
  10. i'd put the spines on your armor, if you're heavy combat as it will damage enemies attacking you. ps you can put one enhancement on artifacts as well.
  11. I like the ability to create monsters, so I go with shapers to get the best creations I can. I don't use too much cheating, only the heal power if my shaper is too encumbered to help out. i hate the lack of ability to carry everything i want
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