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Avernum 2: Crystal Souls - Should I bother with Sage Lore?

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Hi everyone. I'm in the middle of playing through Avernum 2, and can I ask - should I bother with Sage Lore? In Avernum:EFPT, of course, Sage Lore was pretty much a complete subsitute for Arcane Lore (if you didn't care about the Stagnant Tunnels spellbooks, and I didn't). I've put four points into Arcane Lore so far, but my characters will hit Level 12 soon, and so I'm wondering if I should bother with Sage Lore. Given how many Traits you have with an all-human party, it seems crazy not to pick it, but perhaps I'm still thinking in Avernum :EFPT terms. If I should get it, should I get it for all four characters? Thanks!

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There are enough spells and other events that specifically need Arcane Lore that ignoring Sage Lore and just focusing on Arcane Lore is a reasonable decision. 13 points spread across your party is enough for all the important stuff.


Having said that, two points of Arcane Lore plus four Sage Lore traits is enough to meet the requirements for the most important events and to get most spells to level 3, so keeping Arcane Lore where it is and getting three Sage Lore traits would also be reasonable. It's your call.


This thread contains a fairly complete list of Arcane Lore requirements for spells and events, and lists which ones Sage Lore does and doesn't count for, if you want a more comprehensive analysis to help you make your decision.

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Sage lore is not bad. Both go with it and without it are reasonable.

With it: 3 sage lore, 2 arcane lore

Without: 13 arcane lore


Trade off

Sage lore: save 11 skill points

At the cost of 3 traits, one level of resistance for everyone, unable to get the max level of a few spells.


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