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Please some help for Widescreen Users

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Please add a resolution for widescreen users, as in my 22 inch widescreen monitor everything looks... lets just say not as well as in my old 19 inch. Those black boxes on the left/right side of the screen just look bad, and the game looks like it was made of *lower* quality (look-wise) on a widescreen. So please add it in your next game, Geneforge 5 laugh.


EDIT: It was fine on Geneforge 1,2,3 and avernum 1,2,3,4 (even though the picture looks a bit stretched), but the trouble is on the new Avernum 5. :

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I have a widescreen too. In the preferences, I just set the "Change resolution" option to "Never." It's a little annoying having a black border around the screen, but it's better than having the game screen stretch out and make everybody look like they need to go on a diet.

Originally Posted By: macdude22
Part of the issue is that 800x600 blown up on today's high resolution screens just gets a little blocky.

If you think that's bad, try playing the Exile series at 1024x768 screen resolution. I almost have to squint.

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