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How many canisters... (spoiler needed)

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I have a question that has really been bugging me, and I really don't have the patience to go through multiple runs to find the awnser :p . Being a loyalist shaper, I really don't want to use canisters, but I need canisters to get the level 3 creations (as in, ur-drakon) but I don't want to go berserk and use all the canisters I find, just the ones that give me the boost, while still staying "sane." So, how many canisters does it take to get the "You used canisters, and are a monster" ending?"

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alright, thanks... I'll be safe and go with three or four, and if i get a "You used canisters" ending, I'll report on it. And by the way, Nioca, are you sure there isn't a "You used canisters and are even MORE of a monster ending?" It seems like it would make sense, because then there would be an insentive to not use canisters, rather than just gobble up every one you find. Besides, of course, dialogue options... Like other games, a more moral ending.

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