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Geneforge 4 Trainer

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Haven't posted in a while...


So I made this quick and dirty G4 Trainer that you can download here:




Roll over the buttons to see the hot keys.

The last box is a "Last Item" editor (if you are familiar with some of the A4 trainers, it's like that)

The last slot is the bottom right corner of your item area. I've only tested stackables, but if you want to try a non-stackable, I recommend backing up. smile



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I don't suppose someone could email it to me could they? I just get the message "Sorry, there are currently no free download slots available on this server." Every time I try to download it and I would rather not fork out $12 to get one file smile My email is necrotelicomnicon@hotmail.co.uk if someone could.

Edit : Please disregard this now as I decided to try once more and suddenly I can download it smile sod's law strikes again!

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