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Morrowind was the most addictive game, until I broke its hold on me by uninstalling it, deleting all backups, and throwing the disc in the trash. (Admittedly, since I was even more old-fashioned then than I am now, the House of Earthly Delights had something to do with my jettisoning the game.) FFVIII was the most addictive game after that, until the code of honor got to me. (There's a part where you can either insult a fellow who's torturing you or give him misinformation--and the game penalizes you for the latter course.) Then came Darkstar One, which had the unfortunate tendency to give the same frigging missions over and over. Up next? Maybe G5.

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"runescape is not addictive"


To true my membership ran out, then lapsed for two weeks, then membership rates went up! *sigh*


"I broke its hold on me by uninstalling it deleting all the back ups and throwing the disc in the trash."


Why would you do that?



A bit off topic.The quick quote button refuses to work on this old very slow computer I'm using.

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