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Pure Shaper Build[G5]

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If you really want to put points into shaping and nothing but shaping, you're going to have a very tough time. You'll at the very least want some magic to supplement that. Healing and blessing will go a long way with creations, and mental helps a lot too. Battle magic isn't a bad idea, but you can definitely live without it on normal difficulty and I'm not sure a half-baked battle mage would work too well on Torment either.


—Alorael, who definitely thinks a shaping build with backup mental magic works wonders. DV waxes poetic about the benefits of being able to charm and disrupt your enemies as a servile, but it goes just as well when your creations kill instead of you.

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Yeah, unless I was doing a challenge run I would definately have some support magic skills. I was refering more to shaping being the main damage dealing skill. I worded that wrong.


What are the differences between the lifecrafter and shaper classes? Are there any besides the graphics?

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