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Fading Essence Armor/Enduring Shield


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I finally through a long and boring fight that I'll have to redo some other time versus an unstable mass got to see how essence armor and enduring shield work.


They start to fade about every 50 rounds losing some of their effectiveness. My character with essence armor starts at 38% chance of being hit and the unstable mass' chance of hitting starts to improve by 1% with no other spell affecting the to hit probability. Recasting essence armor restores the lowest to hit chance.

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I'm trying it again.


The base without the spell was 67% (dex 6 and defense 6) and then it drop to 35% chance to hit with just essence armor (30% with the reflecting shield still in place - that's weird) then the unstable mass' chance to hit went to 36%. Recasting essence armor brought it back to 35%.


There seems to be some variation in lowest to hit with essence armor.

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