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Explore dungeons prematurely?


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Is it possible?

Could I break a quest by exploring the dungeon and/or slaying the creature it referred to before activating it? Do the enemies related to quests even spawn before you activate it?


Or could I complete a quest before activating it, and then simply speak with the npc a second time after activating it to finish it?


How does that work?

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Most dungeons can be explored prematurely without consequences. Jeff tried to make quest monsters not spawn until the quest is taken. However some places will have quests that can't be done for credit unless you have taken the quest.


For example the Rat Cave killing the rats only counts if you have the job board quest. You can kill Marrowbones in the Goblin Warrens before getting Dionicio's quest to negotiate. Certain people won't give the right response without the quest like Nephil Aminro.

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