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Life after Azure...


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I've got the Avernum blues, again... this time it's the Vahnatai Blues. I do not like those tumor-headed wobblies any longer. In A4, well, they were interesting characters, especially since some of them were so helpful, and they were decent fighters. But in A5 they're just jerks.


The Blues means I don't want to explore any more of the Vahnatai's damn lands, or do their damn quests... what a chore! Especially while their little volcanic vents keep spritzing me with lava.


I think that's maybe the one thing that bugs me in A5: the volcanic vents. I mean, I want to be able to slaughter ill-disposed species whom I do not understand in peace, not while volcanic vents are spewing fire and ash at me.


Can't wait to move on... .


I think maybe I'll kill off their whole village, before I do. There's probably political justification for that.

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All you need to do is talk to the Vahnatai sitting in the garden in Thalants(Bazic-Tel) and he will give you directions out.


You go to Kherebass (as far as I know you don't need to get the quest first) and take the stairs in the northwest corner. Then you have to fight a whole bunch of monsters and a demon as you go through the area and then you'll find the passage out underneath the gate.


If you accepted the quest from Shankar to heal her soul crystal friend then you'll need to speak to another Vahnatai in Thalants about that, and if you're doing the Lark quest to find the Hraithe Lord you'll need to speak with the soul crystal in Thalants about that.


I believe that's the only stuff you need to do in Vahnatai Lands. Oh, and the whole area isn't filled with the exploding vents...it's mostly filled with Rockhounds, Terror Wolfs, Unstable masses and spiders :p

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Originally written by Azuma:
You forgot the Lord of the Bats. That was such a disappointment.
That was the demon I mentioned....Tourlm, Lord of the Bats, lol.

He was a disappointment wasn't he? Not that strong and he only called two bats to help him fight. And I didn't get hit by the exploding vents around him either cause I moved to the other side of the chamber.
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Yeah, in fact I have to deal with them and all their opportunistic 'quests' that are too dangerous for their own people, because I need the XP. Also I might even end up being their tool and killing the mayor of Muck, despite the moral insupportability of such an action, besides which in real life it'd be possible that such an action could spur another war between Avernum & the Empire . . . not that that's actually likely to happen, of course; I guess what goes on in the Azure Gallery stays in the Azure Gallery.


Personally I'd much rather kill the mayor of Highland. I liked Muck. They were nice to me. And the potion maker makes me knowledge brews.


...speaking of politics: if the Vahnatai are really so smart then there must be political reasoning behind their suggesting that Muck be destroyed. Perhaps they truly are trying to foment another war between Avernum & the Empire, hoping to weaken both and hopefully give them a chance to reclaim the lower caves?


Of course, now that the Empire understands that there is value in colonizing the caves and exploiting its crystals, I don't see how the Vahnatai see this as much of an advantage unless they're willing to endure indefinite war, probably ending in their eradication (or subjugation as was the case w/ the nephilim & slithzerikai) as a species.

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I choose to help Muck, because I really couldn't see myself doing any of the things to "harm Muck in some way"


Lying about the eyebeast in the basement would have been easiest for sure...but I didn't. I also couldn't see myself dealing with the giants. I kill monsters and loot their treasures, c'mon! The Giants Spire was very fun to run through and kill everything in sight.


And as you said, I liked Muck and the potion maker helped me a lot. I liked Pasquale and Sgt. Bina too.


So in the end, I told the Vahnatai that I wasn't interested in their offer, and I found the passage out of Kherebass.

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I liked Muck, too. I also like Good Stuff. So I took the jobs and then double-crossed HG & Vahnatai. It's been mentioned here before. Get the jobs, talk to the Queen, get your rewards from the two places. Then go right back and waste Queenie. Get your reward from Muck.


Everybody's happy except Bakarne, who shows up to fight you. Ha, one time we came out of the Spire and moved so fast, he (she?) didn't catch up to us until after we'd been to Muck, sold our stuff, and walked out the gate to port back to Thalants. That little Muck patrol pitched in to help, too.


And neither HG nor the Vahnatai go hostile when you pull this little trick. So you get three rewards (mage vest from HG is especially nice), save Muck, and don't have to wade through the Kherebass underground. Opportunism lives!


- Nightowl2

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I ended up killing all the Vahnatai, starting with the gate. After the gate I went back to the village, killed my way in to the crystal soul, attacked him 'til I got my chip and then ran off. Then I headed through the undergound from Kherebass and killed my way through there. Now I'm out of the Vahnatai lands and happy.


I like it here, much better. I could even settle down, here; forget about everything... .


Muck is safe. I wouldn't do the Vahnatai's bloody work for them. They were good to me. The Vahnatai weren't. It's as simple as that, I think.

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