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Is Magic Absolutely Necessary in This Game?


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Hello. I am curious if this game can be completed successfully without using any magic at all. I purchased this game just recently and I finished the tutorial section last night (everything leading up to meeting with Cienna). I do not like magic and I prefer to solve problems without spellcasters whenever possible. Will this game allow me to do just that? For instance, is there a certain point in game where plot critical item is protected by a special lock that can only be opened by magic?

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I would very much like to be able to complete all side quests in the game. If magic is really that critical, I guess I can use the editor to give my character just enough magic to get by to complete the objectives.


Rather than managing a party of four mediocre characters, I prefer to play as a single super rogue. But before I invest any considerable time in the game this way (only to find out halfway through the game that I am unable to proceed further due to lack of magic), I wanted to make sure that solo character (nonmagic) is feasible.

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Certain battle disciplines will allow you to gain the benefits of spells (battle frenzy and battle rage) so you can do more damage and have more action points. The problem is that certain monsters slow you so you will need to use speed elixirs to counteract the effects. You will need items and especially potions to make it through the game.


I don't think a solo character will get through the game above normal difficulty without magic. You really need to play through the game once with a regular party to know what order to do things in and where to go.


There will be some places that you can never go. Certain storerooms are blocked with magical barriers that can only be removed with dispel barrier spell, but this means only one minor fight and a few items that you'll never get.


Good luck if you try it and post how it's going. It might be possible with some planning and positioning your party to avoid being swarmed. That's what magic is really go for avoiding.

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Are you willing to use magical items? If so, most (though not all) magical barriers can be brought down with Piercing Crystals. Others can be bypassed via secret doors, or will be removed for you by an NPC upon completion of a quest. Actually, if you're not at least willing to use potions, you're probably doomed. You might also consider picking up at least the lowest few levels of priest spells, so you can heal, cure, bless and shield yourself. Those cheap spells make a big difference in this game.


The main problem is that there are a few monsters that are extremely resistant to weapons, and most vulnerable to one form or another of magic. Some of the worst of these are very tough optional bosses which must be killed to complete side quests. But you might just be able to take these without casting spells, either by extreme persistence with weapons, or by hoarding wands and scrolls and then burning through them like mad when the time comes.


(One tip is that the Fiery Longsword, which you will be given partway through the game, seems really to be a sword made entirely of fire — a sort of magical lightsaber. That is, it does pure fire damage, rather than physical damage like all other weapons. So hang onto it, even if you prefer something else most of the time: against some monsters that resist fire much less than physical attacks, it makes a huge difference.)


The other thing people like magic for is blowing away swarms with area attack spells. But if you pump up Parry, Defense, Dexterity, Hardiness, and maybe Endurance enough, plus combat skills, then getting swarmed really isn't such a problem, since only the worst few individual bosses will do much damage to you.

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Did you have problems completing the first chapter (the part that you can run on the demo) with any difficulty?


I found that although I had run through the first chapter without difficulty, when I got to the Drake Pillars in chapter 3 there were some very difficult fights. Since I don't know how you feel about spoilers, I will not give any details.


Based on what I've seen, I would still suggest you take multiple characters through. There are people that say they have managed to play through with four archers, but they tend to know all the tricks of the game.

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Thank you all for your input. I don't mind using potions. I just don't like casting spells.


To Bret: I completed the tutorial section with only three party members ( I deleted the fourth character) on normal difficulty. The three were soldier, rogue, and a priest. I would like to get rid of the soldier and the priest so I can solo as a rogue. Not just any rogue but a highly skilled assassin. I'm thinking of ... Artemis Entreri, with the heart of a 'do-gooder'. This also means that I won't be using two-handed sword nor pole-arm weapons.


Since you did warn me that not all side quests can be completed without magic, what I will do is use the editor to assign minimal spellcasting abilities to deal with magic barriers and magical locks.

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Avernum's not really your average RPG. This could be done, I'm sure, but expect a massive challenge, and endless mindgrinding. I've found that single games require ingenuity, knowledge of the game, determination, and competence in all in-game skills. Knocking out magic removes the in-game skills bit, and seeing as this is your first time through, knowledge of the game can't be expected, unless you use a guide. Ingenuity... That ties in with in-game skills a bit. You can't hit things with swords from 20 feet away, and that narrows your options even more.

All in all... Good luck. I'm sure it's doable, if you're determined and patient. You probably won't end up with a character you can really call a rogue, though.

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Geneforge 4 does have a stealth/mechanics/leadership game, with sneaking past monsters, disarming traps and mines, diplomacy, and messing with machinery. It's designed to be winnable by this roguish route.


But A5 has only Tool Use, with a few secret passages and locked or trapped areas that you need especially high levels of TU to reach. None are really important. You can do a lot of stealing, but everyone does that anyway, since it's not a skill check, just line of sight.


I think that rather than a rogue, one could make a sort of ninja character. Pump Dexterity, Defense, Gymnastics, Parry, Lethal Blow, Anatomy, Quick Strike, and Quick Action. Get all the battle disciplines, and don't wear heavy armor. If you're not putting tons of points into magic, as my warrior-mage-priest singleton was, you might be able to get all those up quite high in a singleton game. Maybe you'd really get to the point where nothing was touching you, and you were doing wicked damage in melee. The actual gameplay might be hard to tell from that of a conventional fighter in heavy armor with high strength and endurance, though, except that it might have more save-loads for the unlucky cases where several hard hits got through your guard. Interesting to see how it worked out, though.

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